The End Of The Affair

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"She's strong but she's exhausted"

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"She's strong but she's exhausted"


"I thought we were going to get Stefan?" Elena groans as she stares at Damon from the hood of the car.

"And I told you we're waiting for my friend." He replies.

With a roll of her eyes, she hops off the hood and walks over to the driver's side by him.

"How do we even know if she'll show up?"

"She'll be here ok!"

"Be careful there Damon, it almost sounds like you miss me."

Both Elena and Damon whip there heads to the side to see a beautiful brunette standing in the middle of the street. Her entire outfit screams "don't fuck with me" from the leather jacket down to the ripped jeans.

"Sage!" Damon greets her as he walks towards her with open arms. Quickly sage steps back and gives him a glare causing him to pause.

"What? Still don't like hugs?" He pouts. Slowly she pushes her sunglasses to the top of her head and stares dead at him. "Fine." He rolls his eyes before dropping his arms.

"Well, I see you still like getting fucked over by doppelgängers."

Damon sends her a harsh glare causing her to chuckle.

"Um, Damon. Who is this?" Elena's quiet voice pops up from behind them.

"I'm sage. You must be Elena." Sage smirks and sticks her hand out for her to shake. Hesitantly Elena does so.

"How did you-"

"Damon likes to text. Now I heard you need my help killing someone."

"I'll explain it on the way there." Damon tells her before hopping in the driver's seat. Automatically Elena hops in the passenger's seat causing sage to let out a groan. Reluctantly she hops in the back behind Elena.

"Where are we going?"

"To get Stefan," Elena states as if it's obvious.

"Your brother. What the hell did he do this time?" She turns to Damon.

With a chuckle, he starts the car. "A lot."


After hours of driving Damon has barely given sage any information on what there doing. Both he and Elena have been arguing nonstop.

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