Dangerous liaisons

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"They think I'm insane

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"They think I'm insane."


Sage had woken up this morning to Rebekah calling. The young original had practically forced her to come get ready for the ball that their mother was hosting tonight. So, of course, she had to drag Jeremy along.

Which leads to now. She burst into the room filled with the family getting ready. The human boy following.

"Alright, I'm here Beks."

The blonde original smiles at her friend but her face quickly forms into a confused one as she spots the Gilbert.

"What's he doing here?"

Jeremy simply waves a hello at the girl while sage responds. "I've taken him under my wing. Cause I'm just that good of a person."

She smirks as she wraps an arm around the boy. "You're a good person?" He asks playfully causing Rebekah to let out a laugh.

"If I may ask why aren't you with Elena?" Elijah questions the boy.

"Let's just say I never want to see that bitch again." He smiles. Rebekah walks over to the boy.

"I think we're going to get along just fine now."

Jeremy sends the blonde a warm smile that is returned. However, Kol breaks up the moment.

"Rebekah. Tell me how handsome I am." The brother and sister look at each other in the mirror.

"Kol you know I can't be compelled." She rolls her eyes and makes her way back to the nail artist.

He looks to sage. "Well then, Darli-" Kol is cut off by her.

"Don't even try it, kid." She growls before an angry Klaus burst into the room.

"You went after the doppelganger?" He shouts at Rebekah not even noticing the new people in the room. "What is wrong with you?"

"Wait you went after her without me?" Klaus turns to sage with a confused look. She places a hand over her heart and makes a face if mockingly hurt. Deciding to ignore the woman he turns back to Rebekah.

"Here we go." She smiles at him.

"Do you want another dagger in your heart?"

"Again with the dagger threats. Don't you have anything g better?" Kol asks.

"Oh go back to staring at yourself."

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