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"People are like shadows, they disappear when it gets dark"

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"People are like shadows, they disappear when it gets dark"


The Scooby gang and Rebekah had decided to keep sage out of there plans to kill Klaus. Although she is Damon and Rebekahs friend they still don't fully trust her and after what she said to Rebekah last night she doesn't think she'll let them kill Klaus.

However there not very good at hiding things or locking doors.

"Hey guys have you seen-" sage stops mid sentence as she walks in on the part of the Scooby gang and Rebekah standing in the living room with a daggered mikael on the floor. "Uh..."

"Sage! What are you doing here?" Damon rushes out.

"Well I came to see if Rebekah needed my help getting ready for her first homecoming dance. Who the fuck is that?" She points at the body on the ground.

"Mikael." Rebekah answered.

"As in you dad Mikael. The grade A asshole?"


"Were using him to lure klaus back here." Elena explains as she pulls the dagger out.

"Look sage this is to protect Elena. I know you don't want to get involved with original business but-" Damon begins explaining however the girl cuts him off.

"Look princess at this point it's too late. I'm not a fan that your killing klaus however I won't interfere with your idiotic plans and on top of it keep you and Rebekah safe in exchange you have to compel me a house designer crew and get me a new bike."

Damon looks at his brother for help but only receives a tight lip smile. "Fine."



Mikael gasp for air causing both sage and Rebekah to look up. Slowly Rebekah puts away the nail polish as sage sets down her sketch book.

"Finally." Rebekah speaks up causing Mikael to look at his daughter in shock. "Took you long enough."


"Whatever fatherly rubbish your thinking save it." The blonde snaps. Sage mentally high-fives her friend. "Nothing you say matters to me."

"I see." He looks down in shame before spotting sage. "Who's this?"

"People like you don't get to know my name or look me in the eyes so look away asshole." Sage gestures for the man to look back to the floor. A dark look crosses his face but Rebekah steps in.

"This is my friend."

The man looks around for his dagger. "Where-"

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