All of my children

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"You can call me a monster

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"You can call me a monster."


Sage had been once again rudely interrupted during her snack by a text from the hybrid himself.

Meet me at the mystic grill for a drink

Rolling her eyes she shoves the dead human off her lap and sets him on fire. Wiping the blood off her mouth she speeds to the grill only to find Kol and Klaus.

"Oh ye got to be kidding me." She grumbles as she makes eye contact with a smug-looking Kol. Noticing this Klaus slaps him upside the head and sends sage a warm smile which she returns.

"Hello, kitten."

"Wolfie" she looks at Kol. "Walloper." Kol looks at the woman confused.

"The bloody hells a walloper?"

She simply smirks. "You have a phone look it up." Taking Klaus's drink she sits next to him and downs it.

"When I invited you to have a drink with us I didn't mean mine love."

Kol leans in the counter to look at sage. "Quick question do all women this day and age dress like this because if that's the case I love this century." He sips his drink while slowly looking her up and down.

Memories of his forced kiss upon her last night come up making her leave the grill to keep from ripping his head off.

A car horn honks behind her as Klaus chases after her.


"Nik why the hell would you invite me here without warning me that idiot was with you?" She turns to look at him in anger. It may seem like something stupid to get mad over but to sage it wasn't. To her it hit deep.

"I'm sorry love I forgot to warn you. I know my brother is a bloody imbecile but..." he trails off. "Actually there's really nothing good I can say about him. I mean unless we count when we were human, all of us were different." Klaus takes a seat on the bench leaving room for sage. Hesitantly she takes it.

"What do you mean?"

He looks away in thought. "I had a younger brother. Henrick."

Sage can sense his pain and puts a comforting hand in his arm, effectively snapping the hybrid out of the memory.

"It's my fault he's dead."

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