Chapter 1

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Taylor POV

I walked into the office. I had finished all my required courses I need to graduate. I could leave school now with a diploma and never look back. But I am the most popular girl at school, I can't leave now. I know I'm popular but that doesn't mean I can't be smart too. I walked up to the desk and asked the secretary, Mrs.Johns.

"Hey Mrs.Johns I need to talk to the principle. Can I do that now?" I said nodding towards the door of Mr.McHenrya office. "He is talking to a possible new teacher now. Take a seat, you can see him when he is finished." She said smiling and pointed to the chairs lined up against the wall. I nodded, thanked her, and sat down.

There where only 5 days left of summer. I looked down at my phone and texted Mary, my best friend, telling her I will meet her at the party tonight. Mary had been my best friend since 1st grade. I told her everything. She was the only person I trusted to tell I was lesbian. She never really cared. She never treated me differently, but she always pushed my to break up with Sam, my cover up boyfriend. Sam was and amazing guy but I'm gay so he did me no good.

I looked up from my gaze to see a young, beautiful, woman leaving Mr.McHenrys office. She must be the new teacher. I smiled at her as she walked by and she smiled back the most adorable grin ever, someone got a job. I said to my self. I watched her walk away her hips swaying as she walked.

"So Mrs.Brooke. What did you need to talk about?" The principle said after inviting me into his office to talk. I sat up straighter. "Well Mr.McHenry. I have finished all my needed courses to graduate. But I want to walk across the stage with my friends. So I was wondering if there where any classes I could take to keep me in school till the end of the upcoming year." I said smiling as his face seemed surprised I was volunteering to take classes.

"Well Mrs.Brooke we only have 5 days till school starts but I am sure I can find something for you. What kind of classes where you interested in?" He said looking on his computer at open classes for me to take I assume. "Well when I start college I will be going to major in Photography. So if there are any open classes for that, it would be great." I said smiling.

Our school worked like a small college. We all took the needed classes. Like science, math, history, and English but then we choose the electives. It all deepened on what classes where open this year. "We do have one class for photography. The young lady you just saw leaving was here to open a class on photography. Her class is a very special class. Most kids taking her class would have there needed classes then her class for all 3 electives. So you would only need to come to school for 90 minutes from 1-2:30. So if that interests you then I can sign you up for it now." He said excited.

"That will be great!" I said standing up and shaking his hand. I walked out if the school and to my car. I saw the young woman from earlier getting onto a motorcycle. Her right leg swung over the bike she ran her fingers threw her hair and grabbed the helmet from behind her. She saw me staring and I looked away quickly. Damn. I said to my self. I heard the bike roar to life and speed off. I got into mg car and drove home, I have to get ready for the 'Back to School Bash' at Marys house. I want to go to school now. I'm not really interested in the stupid party. I knew Sam would be there. And a drunk Sam is not a good Sam. He just wants to have sex, I never do. I am still a virgin.

Love Song (girlxgirl, teacher-student)Where stories live. Discover now