Chapter 12

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Lauren POV

Who the hell was Kristin? I kept repeating in my head. She texted Taylor.
K: Hey babe! Wanna come over and have some fun? My parents aren't home! ;)

What the hell!! I knew we weren't around flaunting our relationship. But I thought she was mine. What really hurts is I just showed her the one thing no one has seen before. Why would she do this to me? I sat on the couch with the beer bottle in my hand. There where 2 more sitting on the table now empty.

I knew this wouldn't work. We have only known each other a week now. And she's in highschool. We can't do this. I'm 21, not 18. I took another sip of my beer. I need to stop. I have to go to work tomorrow. Oh well. Fuck it. I swallowed the rest of the beer and sat the bottle down. I stood up and stumbled to my room. I never drink. So I knew 3 beers would just make me drunk enough.


I woke up at 9:05 to the alarm clock ringing, it felt like an explosion was going on in my head. I slammed my fist onto the clock and rolled over. I got up and stumbled to the bathroom. I pulled off my cloths and got into the shower. I know I  didn't drink enough to make me puke. The side effects should wear off in a few hours.

I took  my shower and got dressed. It was now 10:50. Shit! I yelled in my mind. I grabbed my bag and went out to my car. I drove to school in a hurry. I got there at 11:10. Great. First week and I'm late. I said to myself as I walked to my class room. I sat my things on my desk. I know I looked horrible so I was gonna tell the kids to just find a famous photographer and write a 2 page paper about that one person. I typed up some questions they had to answer in the paper.

The bell rung and students poured in. Once everyone was called I took roll and put up the assignment. I avoided all contact with Taylor.

"Okay guys so for the next 3 days of this week we will be writing a paper." I heard a bunch of kids suck there teeth. "Calm down. You have to pick a famous photographer and write a 2 page paper on the person. Answer the following questions.

1. Why did you choose this person?

2. What made them famous?

3. A little about there back ground.

This will be due Friday." I said and walked to my desk. Just as just as I sat down her hand shot up.

"Come to my desk if you have questions." Taylor stood up and walked to my desk. "Yes?" I said not looking at her, I knew her big beautiful brown eyes would draw me in. "Can you give me some ideas of people?" She said looking at me. "Your job was to do that Miss.Brooke." I said looking at my computer. She just nodded and walked away.

She pulled out her phone and typed away. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

T: Can we talk?

L: There is nothing to talk about.

T: Kristin is my second best friend, she's right behind Mary. I talk to all my friends like that. We call each others baby.

L: I don't want to hear it Taylor. She didn't sound like a friend.

T: I promise she is. I love you Lauren.


She sent me a picture message also. It was a picture of her, Mary, and who I assumed was Kristen all playing around at the beach. She looked so hot in a bikini- Lauren stop. I told my self.

L: Come over at 3. I'll be home then.

The bell rang and everyone left quickly. Except for Taylor. She stayed behind and once everyone left she walked to my desk.

"You have to believe me Lauren." She said and grabbed my hand. "3" I said and pulled away from her. She just nodded at left the room. Damn it Lauren trust her. I said to my self. This was gonna be a long 30 minutes till I got home.

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