Chapter 16

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Lauren POV

I walked out of the school smiling. Me and Taylor where going on a date tonight. It is Friday. I got on my motorcycle and drove home. Taylor was gonna come over at 5 so I had time to get ready. I got home and saw Taylor standing by her car talking to Mary. To be honest Mary scared me. She seemed so protective over Taylor but I understand why. Taylor was a person you didn't want to see hurt. Ever.

I walked into my apartment and put my stuff on the kitchen table. I didn't really have my students do much today or for the week coming up. School was almost out, we had 1 week left. Thank god! Not that I didn't like playing around and stuff with the class but I was tired of not being able to hold her hand anywhere in public and planning our dates 2 towns over. I wanted to kiss her when we walked down the street. I knew once school was over Taylor was planning on going to college but I am not a teacher at the college she was planning on going to. So we can be together.

I took a shower and blow dried my hair while I was standing in my underwear in the bathroom. I didn't bother wondering if Taylor would walk in, we had seen each other like this but not fully naked. I understood why she didn't want to. She was scared of going that far because of her jack ass of a father. We had talked about thus before, we where waiting for when it wouldn't matter that I was once her teacher. I didn't want you yet anyways. Yeah she was beautiful and sexy and just perfection but I have never done that with anyone. I wanted her to be my first, but I don't want that now.

I finished blow drying my hair and walked into my room. I picked out some kaki shorts and a flannel shirt. I buttoned up the shirt and stood in front of the mirror and looked at my outfit. I told Taylor we would be riding the bike so dress for that. I walked back to my room and out my pink, gray, white, and black Nike shoes and life them on. I grabbed my black and hot pink snapback and rested on my head. I looked into the mirror one last time at my outfit. I heard the door close, I had gave Taylor a key about 2 months before because I am lazy and didn't want to get the door.

"Damn baby. You look so gay!" Taylor said and kissed my check. "I know. Don't be a hater." I said and winked at her. I looked down at her outfit. She had on skin tight jeans that complement her ass perfectly, a low cut solid red shirt (red is her color), a black leather jacket, and red, white, and black Adidas shoes. "You like?" She said and spun around. I bite my lip and nodded. I kissed her lips, my hands fell down to her ass and I just left them there.

"Okay let's go." I said and grabbed my phone and slide it in my pocket. Once we got out side I got on the bike and she did to right behind me. "Wait where are we going?" She said as she sat down. "Its a surprise!" I said and pulled my hat off and slide it into the small compartment so it wouldn't fly away. Her hands slide around my waist and gripped my abs. I smirked, she always does that. I took off and drove to the lake we would be having our date at.

Once we got there we I hoped and prayed Ally had set it all up while k was at school. Taylor slide off the bike and took off the helmet I always made her wear. She shook she head and straighted her hair. I slid off and grabbed my hat placing it in its original spot on my head. "So what are we gonna do here?" She said and grabbed my hand. I smiled and walked to where me and Ally agreed she would set up.

Once we got there I heard and gasp come from Taylor. "You like?" I said mimicking her from earlier. "Yeah. Your pretty hot." She said winking at me. I just smiled and walked towards the picnic set out over looking the lake. The sun was gonna set in a few minutes. We sat down and I grabbed the camera from the basket. I looked over at the beautiful woman sitting across from me, she was looking over at the lake. I took a quick picture and she snapped her head over at me. "Sorry it was a perfect moment." I said putting the camera down. "Its okay. I just didn't know you where taking a picture." She said and  crawled and sat in my lap. The sun was setting now.

"This is beautiful." Taylor whispered still looking at the lake. "You like it? I always came here where I first moved here. Ally said it was where she had spent a lot of time growing up. I always loved the way the water reflects the sun light perfectly and the trees that compliment the while scene." I said with passion is my voice. "I love the way you get so happy." She put her hand over my heart. "And how your heart speeds up when you talk about stuff you love and have such a passion for." She said and kissed my lips slowly. She turned around and placed one hand on my chin and the other on my hips. I bit on her lower lip softly and a soft moan escaped her lips. I smiled while our lips where still touching. We broke the kiss our breathes short. "Hungry?" I said after we both calmed down. She nodded still smiling. This is and amazing date. I said as I looked into the basket for the food Ally left.

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