Chapter 24

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Taylor POV

Once we left the mall we went back to Laurens apartment and just watched TV. We where just sitting there watching Family Guy. There was a knock at the door. "I'll get it." I said and went to open the door. "Hi Lau- Who the fuck are you?" A boy about 16 said walking through the door. "Lauren? Who is this?" I said and Lauren got up off the couch. "Holy Shit! Brad!" She said and hugged the boy named Brad. "How have you been?" She said smiling. Who the hell is Brad? I said in my head.

"Good, good. How have you been?" He said smiling back at her. "Good. Great. Fantastic!" She said and looked of me. "Oh um. Taylor this is Brad. My best friend from College, he was the only other person who was as smart as me and you. He finished high school at 14 and is in college now. Brad this is Taylor. My girlfriend." She said and stood between us.

"Damn. Lauren you did good." He said and held out his hand. I shook it smiling at him. "What happened to the whole love is stupid thing you had going?" He said smirking. I don't like him. I said I had no reason he was loud and annoying and I just met him. "Well I met Taylor " Lauren said honestly and I felt my face get hot. "Cool. Well I'm in town for the day. I came by to see my parents and figured k would travel an hour more and drop by to see you and Ally." He said and jumped on the couch.

What the hells his problem? I said to myself. He was sitting in my seat. So I just sat in the chair I had sat in maybe 3 times before. It was extremely uncomfortable. "So how's the whole teaching thing going?" He said looking at the TV. A smirk came across Laurens face and she looked at me. "Its really good. There are some really outstanding people there." She said looking away from me copying Brads position of meaning back and legs spread apart.

"Nice. Your only 21 so any hot girls there?" He said smirking at Lauren. Laurens eyes got wide. "There's one girl. God she's so sexy." Lauren said and winked at me. I felt my face get hot. Why am I blushing so much? Maybe because she's never said stuff lime this about me to anyone else. "Nice." He said and burped with out saying excuse me. Rude ass. I said in my head.

Can he leave already. I said in my mind. "How 'bout you? You found someone?" Lauren said and punched his arm easily. "There's this one girl. But she's older. She's 19." He said shaking his head. "That's only 3 years. Its not bad. You could date her." Lauren said not making the connection that she was 3 years older than me. "Yeah. I know but she's taken so." Lauren just nodded and we sat there laughing every now and then at the TV show.

"Well I should probably go. Got to get back to my parents house before they start to worry." Brad said and stood up. Lauren and I both did too. "Well you should stop by next time your in town." Lauren said and walked him to the door. "It was nice meeting you-" he paused. "Taylor." He said and smiled. "You too." I smiled a fake smile. I heard the door close and I reclaimed my spot on the couch.

"You don't like him." Lauren said and sat back on the couch and I put my head in her lap. I just shook my head no. "He is- well he's a player." She said looking down at me. "And your friends with him because? You are nothing like him.'' I said and sat up a little and sat in her lap completely. " yeah I know. We have just always been friends." She said and kissed my lips.

"So whose that one girl in your class that's sooo sexy?'' I said and kissed her lips. " Oh man. There's this one girl named Taylor. God she is so sexy, and beautiful, and amazing, and perfect, and everything I would want in a dream girl. She is my dream girl. She is so caring and loveable. She's the kind of girl that when she looks in your eyes your heart flutters." She said looking in my eyes. "She sound pretty cool.'' I said smirking. " yeah you are." Lauren said and kissed my lips in a half lust and half complete passion.

"I love you.'' I said and kissed her check. " I love you too. " she said and rested her head on my shoulder.

Love Song (girlxgirl, teacher-student)Where stories live. Discover now