Chapter 9

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Making up his mind, Harry strode over to the boy who was looking at the floor, ashamed of asking for help. He wrapped his arms around Malfoy and put his head on the taller boy’s shoulder. Harry felt him stiffen, and when he didn’t let go, a head fell onto his shoulder.
“Of course I’ll come with you.” Harry had been caught by surprise at Malfoy asking for help, but he figured it was just part of the new Malfoy he was getting to know.
“Thank you Potter.” Malfoy breathed.
“It’s okay” Harry replied. Pulling away, Harry laughed out loud at the sight of Malfoy’s usually immaculate hair, now ruffled, and Harry immediately reached out to ruffle it some more.
“Oi! Potter stop!” he got in response, as well as a slap on the wrist as Malfoy tried to stop his hand.
“We’re friends now? Right?” Harry said, grinning when Malfoy nodded. “So... You can call me Harry”
“Okay then... Harry, you can call me Draco.” And Draco smiled, a proper smile, not a smirk or a forced smile or a mocking smile. One that Harry had not seen before, and he grinned back at Draco, looking into his grey eyes
Draco bit his lip, watching Harry’s eyes flick to his mouth and smiled before speaking.
“Harry... Can you tell me what happened last time we met? Now that we’re friends, and telling each other stuff.” Draco stated this confidently, needing to know more about Harry.
“What- what do you mean-?”
“Why did you faint? Why do you – the chosen one – have claustrophobia that bad?”
The chosen one? Did Draco really think his life was easy?
“Malfoy you know nothing about me and, and why should I even trust you?!” Harry burst out.
“I just told you all that stuff about me, think about it as.. as a trade of information. And by the way, I had to trust you a whole damn lot to tell you about The Dark Lord- I’m trusting you with my life.” He looked up as if he had only just realised this. “Harry...”
His grey eyes bore into Harry’s, open and vulnerable as he realised all his defences were down. It was because of this new vulnerable Malfoy that said thank you and returned his hug and seemed to care about Harry that he started speaking, his voice low and halting, his eyes holding Malfoy’s.
“When I was younger, when I- before I knew I was a wizard, I lived with my aunt and uncle and cousin. They- they weren’t very good to me, they kept me in a- my bedroom was a cupboard under the stairs.”
Harry’s gaze fell to the floor. He hadn’t told anyone about this, not even Ron and Hermione, so why was he trusting Malfoy all of a sudden?
“Sometimes they would lock me in there for days and forget to bring me food so- so that’s why I need- I like to carry food around with me at Hogwarts.” At this he gestured to the food on the table.
“Oh Harry” Draco’s voice was soft and he didn’t think twice about wrapping his arms around Harry, holding him close and breathing in his scent of broomstick polish, freshly cut grass, fire smoke and treacle tart. He held Harry’s trembling shoulders, squeezing them tightly, as if to stop both him and Harry from falling apart.
“I’m so sorry” he murmured, his words muffled by Harry’s shoulder.
“It’s fine-” Harry started to say but was cut off by Draco.
“No, I wanted to say I’m sorry for everything. All the years we’ve been at Hogwarts, I’ve just been jealous of you. First your fame, then your quidditch skills, and then your friendships. I’ve just- you’ve always been there, better than me or having more than me. I’m sorry. I’ve been horrible.” Unsure as to why he was saying this, why he was making himself more vulnerable to Harry, Draco stayed where he was, with his face pressed into Harry’s shoulder so he wouldn’t have to face those green eyes.
“Draco,” Harry said softly, “I’m sorry too.” They stayed wrapped in each others arms for a long time, just standing there holding each other.
When they finally pulled away it was only because Harry’s stomach informed him that it was dinner time and they needed food, not to mention the suspicion that Harry would have to face from Ron and Hermione if he didn’t go, because he never missed a meal.

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