Chapter 18

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[Note - hey guys it's a double update bc I left you like that (oops sorry) but love you 💖]

Weeks passed, time seemingly going slower than usual as it waited for Draco to catch up. The morning of the third task was unnaturally dark, clouds littering the roof of the Great Hall. A jittery feeling filled his stomach as Draco sat with the Durmstrang boys.
The small movements Harry made gave away his nerves, the way he rubbed his thumb along the side of his thigh or the way he brought his fingernails to his mouth only to drop his hand into his lap. Barely noticeable movements, however Draco saw Granger give him a sympathetic smile and cover his hand with her own on the table between them. At this he felt a flare of jealousy light up somewhere behind his ribs, working along towards his throat and making it hard for him to breathe.
The owls swooped in, making the Hall a flurry of activity as surprised yells of delight filled the room. Draco noticed his own Eurasian Eagle Owl soaring into the room, making the corners of his mouth tighten as he watched it. Grabbing the letter from its leg, Draco tried to shoot Pansy a smile as he opened it. Scanning the ink, Draco stiffened as he read the words ‘your mother and I are both anticipating the culling of the proudest peacock, Hayden.’ This was code. His father would never cull one of his precious peacocks. And besides, they didn’t even have one called Hayden.
Something was wrong. Harry should not go into that maze. Draco needed to stop him.

Hurrying down the hall, Draco worried his lip, trying to find Harry before he left for the Third Task. After nearly an hour of looking he was a mess. Sweaty hair in his eyes, alongside a look of panic. Spotting Harry, he pushed his hair out of his eyes.
“Potter.” He called, accompanying it with a sneer in an attempt to look casual. Fortunately no one but him, the Weasel and Granger were around to hear him. At his call, they all turned to face him and Harry’s friends moved slightly in front of him as if to protect him. Glaring, Harry answered him.

“What do you want Malfoy.” He spat, disgust dripping from every word. Draco flinched. He deserved it, after what he had done, but it still hurt. Draco noted at the back of his mind that the Weasel and Granger seemed to know about whatever it was that had happened between him and Harry, but he didn’t have any spare room to be offended about this betrayal. After all, he had done something much worse.

“I- I got a letter..” he began, trailing off as Harry shot him another glare.

“Save it Malfoy”

“Harry” he said plaintively.

“No Malfoy you cannot play me and then expect me to listen to you and believe whatever lies you tell me.” Even as Harry said this his eyes were drawn to the way Malfoy’s slender fingers would play with the hem of his jumper, a familiar nervous habit. He shut his eyes against the reminder of how well they had known each other, how much Harry had been missing the past couple of weeks.

Draco swallowed. He knew Potter was right, he had every right to be angry, but this wasn’t about them. “Potter this is about the maze. I still made that promise and I intend to keep it, and right now I’m telling you, don’t go in there.”

Harry didn’t notice the intensity in Draco’s words, distracted by the way he leant forward slightly, his silver eyes never moving from Harry’s.

“I don’t even have a choice anyway, the rules have been made. I’m a part of this and it’s too late.”

“Harry. Just don’t walk through the entrance to the maze, they can’t forcibly move you. Otherwise that would be considered cheating, you getting unfair help or something like that.” Draco said, desperate for Harry to listen.

“I can’t. Leave me alone.” He replied, repeating Draco’s own words to him.

“I’ll go to Dumbledore.” Draco replied, panic entering his voice. “I’ll tell him and get you out of the tournament.”

“It won’t matter.” Harry said, not wanting to deal with this anymore. He had to get away from Draco- from Malfoy right now.

“Don’t go in there. Please.” Draco said, the begging clear in his voice.

“Fuck off.” Harry said before turning and walking away. Malfoy had lost every right to ask anything of Harry the moment he had said he didn’t care for him, the moment he revealed their whole relationship had been a sick joke.

Draco stared after Harry’s retreating figure, a hopeless desperation setting in. He had to go to Dumbledore right away.


“Professor Dumbledore.” Draco said as the doors opened to reveal the headmaster.
“Mr Malfoy. What is it?”
“Please sir you don’t understand something is going to happen in the maze you can’t let him go in” Draco said in a rush, needing to make him understand.
“Mr Malfoy. Are you talking about Harry?” Dumbledore said kindly.
“Yes professor, I got a letter today from my father and I know that somethings going to happen in the maze it’s too dangerous you can’t let him go in there.” Draco said.
“No, Mr Malfoy, I’m afraid the rules have been set and they cannot be changed. And besides, this will be an excellent learning opportunity for him.” The headmaster said with authority.
“But-” Draco tried but was cut off.
“That is my final word Mr Malfoy.” Dumbledore said firmly. “Now if you will please go join the rest of the school in preparing for the Triwizard Tournament.” He dismissed him. Before Draco left Dumbledore stopped him. “I assure you that we have security measures in place in the case of an emergency. I know you have grown.. attached to Harry but he will be fine.” He said, a twinkle in his eye as he said ‘attached’.
Sitting in the stands, Draco felt his stomach twist as Harry ran to the entrance of the maze. Unable to look away, he watched as he entered the maze, unable to do anything, powerless and weak in his helplessness.

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