Chapter 24

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"Yewse, I've got such a grouse feeling about this!" Nev was thrumming with excitement, and it caused her bike to waver dangerously from side to side on the wide beach-front path. "Wait – is that house purple?" She stood on her pedals and careened away, leaving Bailey and I to watch her toned butt disappearing around the next curve.

"This is a bad idea," I murmured, not for the first time since leaving Dean's place earlier that morning.

The day had begun awkwardly; I'd woken up late in Dean's bed, trying to fight the waves of memory as they crashed over me. The sheets smelled of him, and after my argument with Rueben, my night had been haunted by dark dreams I was certain only happened because of the proximity to Dean's private space and Rueben's judgement.

Rueben and Mischa were gone when I finally ventured out into the kitchen, but Nev and Bailey were waiting for me. Nev had a dangerous shine in her eyes. "We're going to find Simon's family!"

"Sorry, what?" I'd slept like hell and my brain was running late to the conversation, stuck on a packed commuter train somewhere in my subconscious, anxiously checking its watch every ten seconds.

"Think about it! Simon told us everything we need to know to find them – his ex-wife's place was on the beach near Luna Park, it's purple and it has gargoyles. Remember?"

My brain texted me from the subway, a vague memory of Simon's 'who hurt me' night when he'd spoken about where his kids probably were right now. But... "Nev, why would we go to see Simon's kids?"

"Because! We can tell them their dad died a hero!" Nev flicked her long rope of hair behind her back, and I noted that someone, probably one of her nieces, had braided it into an intricate twist. "We have to do this – for Simon."

Bailey and I locked eyes, and they gave me a quick head shake. I knew Bailey well enough to hear their thoughts: don't say no. Give her this. Exasperated, I said, "Nev, it sounds lovely, but my bike broke last night – the chain is screwed, and I'm not walking to St Kilda."

"No problem! I already checked with Rueben and he said you can his bike for the day. He's taking Mish to the docks to check on the yacht, and they decided to walk for a change."

So many thoughts bustled in my head like a bevy of drunk girls in front of a nightclub mirror. Had they walked to take longer so Rueben would avoid seeing me? Would they just take the yacht and go? Did I even want to speak to him again?

Out of excuses, I sullenly dressed and followed Nev and Bailey out the door into a very warm and windy day. We'd started our ride at the Port Melbourne end of the waterfront homes and were leisurely making our way along the bay.

But so far, nada. Sighing, I said loud enough for Bailey to hear, "You know this is nuts, right? Either we don't find them and she'll be gutted, or we do and I can only imagine how well that's going to go down. You can't just keep humouring her, Bailey."

"Maybe I should just lie to her face," replied Bailey without taking their eyes off the road. "That's working out gang-busters for you, dear."

"Jesus. Claws away, please."

"I spoke to Rueben briefly this morning. He's pissed and I can't say I blame him."

"I was going to tell him. He just... worked it out first." My face burned from both sun and shame. "I didn't say anything because I knew he wouldn't understand, same as you have never understood."

"Same as you don't understand Nev. She needs this."

Annoyed that the conversation had swung so easily away from me and back to the pretty girl, I grew petty. "What about you, Bailey? What do you need? You're going to ditch me and stay here for her, for a fantasy."

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