Chapter 5

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     Jordan and I speed away from the restaurant in his black mustang.  I can still  hear the police sirens in the distance as we make our getaway.  Jordan laughs loudly and blasts his radio to XXX Tentacion. He moves his head back and forth to the beat of the music. He seems unbothered by the incident that just occurred between him and Matt at the restaurant.
    "You ok?" He asks me with a smirk on his face. " That asshole got just what he deserved. He's lucky 'cause I took it easy on him."
   I can still visualize the blood pouring from Matt's nose as Jordan stomped his face. I recall how horrible I felt after Matt humiliated me in front of everyone. I hid in the bathroom stall the entire day to avoid seeing anyone because I was so embarrassed. I sat in that bathroom stall wishing that I could make Matt pay for what he did to me and Jordan made it come true. I cannot hide the sinister smile creeping across my face. Jordan glances at me noticing the smile on my face. He smiles back at me as he grabs my hand.
    "I'm pretty sure you don't have to worry about him or anyone else bothering you again." He says with certainty in his voice.
    "I can't believe you did that for me." I say still in shock. I study Jordan's face. He is very handsome and I wonder why he would want to be here with me. As if reading my mind, Jordan gives my hand a squeeze and asks me if I want to hang out a little while longer or if I want to go home. I tell him I want to go home and he looks a little disappointed but agrees to take me.
    "Can we talk for a minute before you go inside?  he asks.  I nod my head yes as Jordan pulls up into my driveway. He puts the car in park and then takes off his jacket. I notice he has tattoos of an upside down cross on both his wrists.
    "What are those symbols on your wrists?" I ask curiously pointing at the tattoos.
    Jordan hesitates for a moment. "Nothing really I just thought it looked cool." He explains, his eyes appear cold for a moment until he flashes that charming smile and his eyes light up again.
    "Can we hang out again tomorrow? We really didn't get to spend a lot of time together today. Jordan asks making it almost impossible to say no.
    "  I can't tomorrow but you can come inside for a little while if you want to. My mom won't be back home until in the morning." I say against my better judgement. How can I tell him no after what he did for me?
    "Cool" Jordan replies while retrieving a bottle of whiskey from the back seat. I glance at the bottle of whiskey in his hands but I don't tell him I've never drank alcohol before. Jordan gets out of the car first and comes around to open the door for me.  I climb out of the car and lead the way to my house. It is almost dark outside now. I nervously fumble with the keys and finally get the door open.
     After we enter the house Jordan asks me to get two cups for the whiskey. I turn on the lights and go into the kitchen and grab two styrofoam cups.
    "There is no TV in the living room so we can go into my room" I say in a nervous voice. I lead the way to my bedroom and sit down on the bed. I turn on the tv. Jordan sits down next to me and begins pouring the brown liquid into our cups . He gulps his down quickly and doesn't even flinch. I take a sip of mine and it burns as it goes down my throat. I try not to make a face but Jordan notices and laughs.
    "I see you don't drink." He says while observing me.
    "I do sometimes. It's just been a while." I lie.
    I finish my drink and begin to immediately feel lightheaded. The liquor doesn't take long for it's intoxicating effects to cloud my judgement.
     Jordan scoots a little closer to me. I wasn't lying when I told you that you are pretty earlier" he says as he brushes a stray strand of hair from my face. He leans in to try and kiss me but I move back. My head is spinning and I am getting dizzier by the minute.
     "Just relax. Everything is going to be different after this." He says trying to persuade me to believe him. I can hear the annoyance in his voice even though he is trying to remain calm. I notice the warmth in his eyes have been replaced with coldness.
    My head feels even more fuzzy. I don't think that I have really even drank that much for me to feel so out of it but maybe I have. Jordan leans in again to kiss me but this time I don't move away. His lips feel warm and soft against mine. He leans in again and the weight of his body guides me down on the bed. I can feel his hands trying to unbutton my jeans. I want to tell him to stop but I am not thinking clearly. I open my eyes and Jordan is taking off his shirt. He flips his dreads out of his face and I see that his brown eyes appear to have  turned solid black. There is no pupil. I should be afraid at this point but I am mesmerized. It is like he has me in a trance. Is this really happening I ask myself.
     "Don't be scared." Jordan tells me his voice deep and unrecognizable. It sounds as if three people are speaking at once. I want to close my eyes but I  can't. It's as if he has complete control over me. I continue staring back into Jordan's black lifeless eyes.. I submit and let Jordan take my body. I feel fear and anticipation simultaneously. I know that after this I will never be the same again.
      I wake up to the annoying sound of my mother calling my name. I hesitate to answer because I am trying to figure out if the events of last night really happened. I still have on my  white sweater but my jeans and my underwear are on the floor. I feel so tired and my body feels drained of energy.
    "You need to get up. You are gonna be late for school. "  My mother yells while barging into my room uninvited with a scowl on her face.
  I stare at my mother for a moment without speaking.
     "Do you hear me talking to you? Are you an idiot or something?" She continues to shout.
    The more she shouts the angrier I am becoming. I think of all the mean things she has done to me. She's not even  my biological mother but she has taken care of me since I was two years old. Everything was ok until I turned eight. That's when my father ran off with another woman and left me behind.  I guess she is mad because she got stuck with me and resents me for what he did. The days of people treating me like shit are over I tell myself. I don't care who it is. I get up from my bed without uttering a word and walk over to my mother. I grab her by the neck slightly lifting her up off the ground. She looks shocked and frightened and tries to scream . I feel as if something is controlling me and making me perform these actions. She tries to fight back but I am too strong for her. I lean my face close to hers  our lips almost touching. I feel my mother's life leaving her body and entering mine. I immediately begin to feel energized. I feel amazing, better than I have ever felt before. I let my mother's lifeless body fall to the floor. I accidentally get  a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror and gasp. My eyes are totally black just like Jordan's were last night. I close my eyes and reopen them. My eyes are normal again. I drag my step-mother's lifeless body to her room and leave her there on her bedroom floor. I go back into the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for school. Today is going to be a good day I think to myself. As soon as I get out of the shower, my cell phone rings and strangely I know who it is before I answer.
     "I can take care of that for you when you go to school. Just leave me the key under the mat." The intriguingly familiar voice informs from the other line.
      "What did you do to me last night?" I ask Jonathan. I can hear my own voice slightly trembling.
    "Nothing you didn't want me to do." He responds back.
    "Leave the key under the doormat like I said and I will take care of her for you. See you soon."
     I put the phone back on my dresser then look through my closet for    something to wear. Nothing looks appealing. I can't believe  I wore this stuff.
     I decide on a black knit sweater, a pleated red and black skirt, and black thigh high boots. An outfit that someone gave me for Christmas a couple of years ago but I was too shy to wear it. I normally wear my long brown hair in a ponytail but today I feel like wearing it down. I let it air dry so that it would be curly. I apply some makeup, grab my book bag, and head out the door. I lock the door behind me and leave the key under the doormat just  like Jordan instructed.
     As soon as I arrive at school, I notice all eyes are on me and I love it. I have so much confidence. I am the total fucking opposite of that shy introverted girl that was bullied yesterday. I walk towards my Biology class and hear a group of Matt's friends talking about how he got beat up last night and that his nose is broken. I laugh out loud because I know no one will say anything to me. I walk into Biology class and see Jordan and Hannah sitting in their usual seats. When they see me walk in,  I see them look at each other and then at me in disbelief. Jordan told me everything was going to be different after our encounter and he wasn't lying.





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