Chapter 14

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    I walk into the kitchen and find Sasha fixing breakfast for us. I sneak up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. My hands cradling  her pregnant belly.
    " How are you feeling this morning?" I ask her genuinely concerned.
     "I feel ok. I'm just really hungry these days." Sasha tells with a smile on her face.
     " Yeah you do have quite the appetite. You inhaled those hot dogs yesterday." I say laughing out loud.
     Sasha reaches for a coffee pod to put in the keurig giving me a side view of her belly. It seems as if her stomach has gotten bigger since yesterday. As if reading my mind, Sasha asks me if I think her stomach has grown any bigger. She looks kind of worried so I choose my words carefully.
     " Yeah it does look a little bigger but maybe it's those chili dogs you ate yesterday. It's probably just gas." I say laughing hoping to put her mind at ease.
     " Yeah you are probably right." She says while sipping her cup of decaf coffee.
   I wonder to myself how big Sasha will be in two weeks. The way her stomach is growing she won't be able to go to her doctors appointment  because they will know that something is wrong with the baby.
     " What's wrong Jordan?" Sasha asks me, noticing the worried look on my face.
     " Oh nothing. I was just thinking about something that happened the other day." I lie.
     " Tell me the truth. You are worried about the baby aren't you? She asks.
     " Well, I think the baby is growing too fast. I can't go back to the doctor like this."  she says trying to read my facial expression to see if I agree with her.
     I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her and tell her not to worry even though I know she will.
     "Whatever happens we will get through it. Maybe you will have to wait until you go into labor and just go to the hospital to have the baby. I think you are right. I don't think you should go back to the doctor. She will know something is wrong."
     Sasha begins to cry and I feel so guilty because I know that I am the reason that her life is ruined. I didn't expect to fall in love with her. She was supposed to be a sacrifice so that I could have a normal life again. I now wish that I had never met her. I convinced myself that I made her life better but I just ruined it. Now I have to take care of her and our baby and make this right.
     "Please don't cry. I promise everything will be alright." I tell her. "I'm starving and I know you are so let's eat."  I say laughing trying to lighten the mood..
     Sasha smiles at me wiping the tears from her face and precedes to fix our breakfast. After we have breakfast, Sasha takes a nap and I get on my phone and search the internet to try and find some answers but am not very successful. There aren't that many articles written about demonic babies so I decide to find a reliable source. I decide to go and see the lady that turned me into what I am now. Maybe she will be able to tell me what is wrong with the baby that me and Sasha have created.
     I kiss Sasha on the forehead and leave her a note that I will be gone for a few hours. I get into my car and head to Perch Boys home to see Marie La'Rouge. I know that she will be so surprised to see me if she is still there. I stop at the store and get gas and prepare for the long ride. About 45 minutes into the drive, I start to feel anxious. The closer I get to the boys home where I grew up the more nervous I become. All my feelings and emotions come rushing back to me. I suppress my emotions and try to  pull myself together before I go in. I pull into the familiar driveway of the Perch Home for Boys and enter the building. It looks a lot different from when I was here but it is  also familiar at the same time.
  "Can I help you sir?" an older black woman with shoulder length hair asks me.
   "I'm looking for Marie La'Rouge. Is she here?"
    "Third door on the left." The older black lady instructed me.
     I make my way down the hall slowly afraid of what this lady might be able to tell me about my unborn child.
     " Ms. La'Rouge? I call her name as I stand in the doorway.
     She lifts her head slowly as if she recognizes my voice. Her long black dreadlocks hang down her back. She has aged very little since the last time I saw her.
     "Jordan?" She says my name as our eyes meet.
     " Is that you?" She asks. I can't tell if she is happy to see me or not.
     " Yes" I say, almost stuttering.
     " I didn't think that you would ever come back here. You took a big risk so it must be important.  You are lucky that most of the staff here is new now so what brings you here?" She asks me while motioning for me to take a seat.
     I close the door behind me and sit in a chair in front of her mahogany desk.
      "I always wondered what happened to you. I knew that you would find me someday. I knew you'd eventually have questions." She confesses.
     "My girlfriend Sasha is pregnant and I think something may be wrong with the baby." I blurt out.
     "Well there is a possibility there may be something wrong but there is a chance that the baby still may be born normal  since your girlfriend is normal." Ms. La' Rouge informs me.
     "She's not normal though. I was going to sacrifice her to get my life back but long story short I didn't complete the ritual and I ended up falling in love with her." I say.
     Ms. La'Rouge takes a long pause and then finally speaks. "Well,  now you have a very big problem. You turned your girlfriend into a demon and now this baby is going to be more evil than you can imagine. You cannot allow this baby to live."
      "What?" I ask in disbelief.
     " That child will be pure evil and will probably kill you both if your girlfriend even lives through the delivery. It is going to grow at an accelerated rate because it is ready to be born so that it can cause destruction. It will have powers that you can't even imagine. I fear for you and your girlfriend's lives."
  " You must kill it as soon as it is born because if you let it grow up it will become too powerful. Do you understand me Jordan?"
     "Yes". I tell her knowing that I cannot and will not kill my own child.
     " I have to go now" I tell her as I quickly get up from my chair. I sprint towards the door and here Ms. La' Rouge say that she needs to tell me something else that is very important. I can't  listen to anymore of this so I race towards my car and then speed away. I can't tell Sasha about this. It was a big mistake. I never should have come back here. Maybe she is wrong I think to myself. How can she tell me to kill my own kid? Sasha will never forgive me if I did.
     The drive back home seems longer and my head is filled with all kinds of morbid thoughts. I cannot wait to get home to see Sasha's smiling face and to hold her in my arms. I am not going to tell her anything Ms. La'Rouge said. She is already worried sick.
     After what seems like the longest drive of my life, I am finally home. I cannot wait to go inside and see Sasha's smiling face.
     " Sasha?" I call her name as I enter the house but she does not answer. She can't possibly still be napping.
     I walk into our bedroom and I am shocked. I  see Sasha sitting in the middle of our bed devouring the stray cat that started hanging around our house. When she sees me standing there, she drops the bloody animal and looks at me waiting to see what I will say.
     " I just got a craving." She tells me with blood smeared across her face.
     "I'm sorry." She says as she runs into the bathroom.
   " Sasha it's ok." I try to tell her through the door. She doesn't answer but I can hear the shower running.
  I clean up the dead animal and the bloody sheets so that Sasha won't have to see it when she comes out of the bathroom. I put fresh sheets on the bed and wait for Sasha to come out. When she finally does she looks at me with embarrassment on her face.
     " I've never eaten an animal before. Have you? she asks me.
     "I haven't but at least you didn't kill anybody." I say trying to make her feel better.
     " Where did you go today?" She asks.
     " I went to the boys home where I grew up to see Ms. La'Rouge but she doesn't work there anymore."
     "You went to ask her about the baby didn't you?" Sasha asks me.
     "Yeah. I was hoping she would have some information but I guess we will just have to wait and meet our little bundle of joy when she arrives." I say as I pull her close.
     "You just said she again.Do you really think it's gonna be a girl? Sasha asks excitedly.
    " Yes. I think we are gonna have a beautiful little girl that looks just like you and we are going to be so happy." I tell her.
     I wish that this fairytale that I'm telling Sasha would come true. Instead,  I'm afraid that when this baby is born our lives will turn into a nightmare. I pray that Ms. La' Rogue is wrong about our baby but I know that she is not.

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