Chapter 8

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                      SASHA'S POV

     Jordan catches me off guard when he asks me when I was going to tell him I was at Hannah's house today. How did he even know I think to myself. I wasn't going to tell him about it because I know that it isn't safe for me to be hanging out with her. I am afraid now more than ever that she might find out my secret. I know that Jordan is only trying to protect me but it gets suffocating sometimes.
     "You remember when my phone was ringing and you kept asking me who it was? I say.
     "Yeah, I remember." Jordan says with curiosity in his voice.
     "Well it was my friend Jonathan. He told me that Hannah's mom was killed in a car accident and she isn't handling it well. That's why I went to see her." I tell him pleading my case.
     "You need to be really careful Sasha because you really don't know how to control it yet." Jordan says putting emphasis on the word it.
     "How did you know anyway? Do you have telepathy or something?" I ask.
     "I came back because I left my wallet." Jordan tells me while laughing.
     "I overheard your conversation. He says playfully. We are connected because I turned you but I will only know if you kill someone. Other than that no I don't have telepathy ." He explains.
     I roll my eyes at him and begin telling him about Hannah and I playing the Ouija board. I tell him  about the strange images of the pentagram drawn in blood and the images of the police car that flashed through my mind while handling the planchette.
     "There was someone there with me but I couldn't see who it was." I tell Jordan trying hard to remember.
     Jordan is oddly quiet and changes the subject. He asks me if I have anything planned for today.
     "I might go to the library and apply for that part time job that they are hiring for." I answer.
   " I was asking because I was hoping we could hang out together." He says as he kisses my forehead. I end up not going to the library but staying in bed with Jordan for most of the day watching Netflix.
     "Can I ask you a question?" I say in a serious voice.
     "Yeah I guess. It just depends on what it is." He answers as he waits for me to interrogate him.
     "How come you never get sick like I do?" I ask him.
     "Because you have to take souls frequently. I told you if you don't you will become weak and sick. I try not to feed on people that often but sometimes I have to because food doesn't sustain me for that long. When I get the urge for blood  I cannot control it." He explains.
     "How did you become like this?" I ask.
     "It's a long story. I will tell you about it someday but not right now." Jordan responds.
     "It does have its perks though. I know that I look like a teenager but I'm not. I don't age and neither will you." Jordan boasts.
      I am shocked by what I am hearing. I can't believe I will look seventeen years old forever. I guess it  really doesn't matter because I don't have any family that cares anything about me anyway. I have Jordan and that is enough.
     My cell phone vibrates and it's a message from Hannah asking me to call or come over as soon as possible. Thank goodness Jordan is enthralled in a movie that just started or he would be badgering me about who was on the phone. I did tell Jordan I was going to the library and it's only 6:00pm so that would still be believable. I text Hannah back and tell her I'll be over in about 30 minutes. I tell Jordan that I have decided to go and fill out that job application.
     "You want me to drop you off?" He asks which I didn't expect him to say since it's right around the corner.
     "No, It's not that far and I need the exercise." I say hoping he doesn't push the issue.
   " Ok. See you when you get back" He says as he shoves some peanuts into his mouth and gets back to watching his movie.
     "I grab my wallet and head over to Hannah's house. I check my surroundings and make sure Jordan is not following me. When I arrive at Hannah's house I notice her grandmother's car is not there. I ring the doorbell and Hannah opens the door. A cute brown Yorkie with a red collar greets me playfully.
     "He's so cute, isn't he? His name is Lucky." Hannah squeals with excitement in her voice.
     "My grandmother got him for me a little while after you left." She announces.
     It's good to see Hannah smiling. She was so miserable when I left earlier today. Hannah motions for me to come inside. She picks Lucky up and puts him in his cage in the living room.
    "I want you to play the board with me again. My grandmother is gone right now so she can't interrupt this time. I also wanted to ask you about something. I hope you don't get mad."
  "Ok." I respond curiously.
    "I saw you in the middle of the night at the vacant house across the street with the police. What happened?"
    "What are you talking about? I wasn't at a house with the police." I tell her with fear in my voice.
     "I told Jonathan and we looked inside the house. There was a Pentagram drawn in blood in one of the bedrooms? Hannah's voice trembles as she relives what she saw.
     " The police were taking you away in handcuffs. You were bleeding."
     I immediately think about the images that flashed through my mind when Hannah and I played the Ouiji board. I know that what Hannah says is true because she is describing what flashed through my mind this morning.
     "And there was someone else there too. There was a guy with dreads sitting in the back of the police car but I couldn't see his face."
    My heart races and I feel faint listening to Hannah tell her story. I don't know how to respond. A guy with dreads? Who else could it be besides Jordan? I have to get out of here I think to myself. My mind is racing and I don't know what to think. Should I say something to Jordan?
     "I have to go Hannah I will be back later. I need time to think." I stammer.
     I don't give Hannah time enough to respond. I run out of the house and walk quickly towards the library. I can't face Jordan right now I think to myself then change my mind. I have to confront him about this I need to know what happened. When I reach my house, I fumble with my keys and finally unlock the door. I walk into my bedroom  and see Jordan still lying on the bed watching tv. When he looks at me, he immediately knows something is wrong. He sits up on the side of the bed with a serious look on his face.
     "What's wrong babe?" He asks me looking concerned.
     "Hannah just told me something?"  I say in an almost whisper.
      "I thought you were going to the library? He asks. His voice becoming tense.
     "Hannah texted me on my way to the library so I stopped by but that's besides the point." I say with anger in my voice.
     "Hannah told me she saw me at the vacant house on her street. She said that I was being taken away by the police and I was bleeding. She said that a guy with dreads was in the back seat of the police car." My voice becoming louder as I repeat the story that Hannah told me.
     Jordan stands there staring at me dumbfounded without saying a word.
     " Is this true? Why don't I remember anything about it? What did you do to me Jordan?" I yell hysterically.
     "It happened the night we first met but it's complicated." He tells me.
     "Well you'd better start explaining." I say with tears streaming down my cheeks.
     Jordan walks toward me and tries to touch my face but I take a step away from him. "I need to know the truth right now."
   "We didn't really know each other then Sasha. I have fallen in love with you now. Please say that you will forgive me?" Jordan begs with emotion in his voice.
     "When we met online I was looking for someone's soul to sacrifice to take my place so that I could have a normal life. You were the perfect victim. You were weak and vulnerable at the time. I knew all I had to do was show a little interest in you because you told me no one else did. So I listened sympathetically to all your problems and then when the time was right I convinced you to meet me at that pizza joint. Then I convinced you to let me into your home and when your guard was down I put you in a trance and led you to that vacant house. I already had the pentagram drawn in blood and the candles in place. It was already  planned. That wasn't all your blood though. I only needed a small amount from you so I cut your leg to get the blood I needed. Everything was going perfectly as planned but I guess someone must have saw something and called the cops. Once the cops took us away in the police car I made them forget what they had seen and then I took you home. I was going to kill  them but that would have caused more suspicion. I still planned to go back to the vacant  house with you  and complete the ritual but I couldn't go through with it. I didn't plan on seeing you again after that  but I couldn't just leave you by yourself. I had done this to you and I knew that I had to take care of you. Please Sasha forgive me." He pleads.
     I am in shock and disbelief. I can't speak. Jordan is staring at me almost in tears waiting for me to give him an answer.  How could I ever forgive him for this I think to myself.
     "Be gone when I come back Jordan. I never want to see you again." I say fighting to hold back the tears.
      I walk slowly out of the door. Jordan does not follow. I have no idea where I'm going but I just know I have to leave here. This is too much for me to comprehend. I don't have anywhere to go so I walk to a park near my high school to clear my head. My cell phone vibrates several times but I ignore it. I know it's probably Jordan trying to persuade me to take him back...

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