31 ; a real prick

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Here's the thing: Wallace can't remember the last time he had a bath. 

Literally. He doesn't think he's ever had one. But that's not to say he'll ever say no when Rosalie suggests the idea as a way to get Bella relaxed and also clean in the process. 

Which is why he's currently in the crystal blue bathroom of the Cullen home. It's the largest bathroom, stationed in the ensuite of Carlisle and Esme's room. Rosalie is on her knees by the tub, running a hand through the smooth water that's pouring out of the sterling silver spout. 

Standing awkwardly in the doorway of the bathroom, Wallace flicks his eyes towards Bella. The brunette is sitting in a nearby vanity chair, it no doubt belonging to Esme. She's dressed in a frilly white robe that Wallace knows Bella would've made a fuss over wearing had it not been so warm and if she still had the strength to oppose. 

Either way, Wallace notices the way Bella's hair hangs limp and slightly greasy around her face. Her cheeks are sunken in, as are her eyes, and her shoulders which are seen as the robe slowly drops from her bones, reveals that skin is paler than it normally is. The sickly visual makes Wallace's heart constrict and his staring must not go unnoticed because Bella turns her eyes towards him, sees him grimacing, and tightens her grip on the robe around herself tighter.

"Check the water for me," Rosalie's voice rings out, diverting Wallace's attention away from the brunette sitting in the room with them. 

Wallace heads towards the tub, seeing that it's clear and has a few sparkling Epson salts floating along the bottom. They're a soft teal color, which makes the bathwater reminds Wallace of their time in Rio. Without much hesitation, Wallace sticks his hand into the water and notices that it's a bit hotter than what he'd prefer, but assumes Rosalie made it that way on purpose since Bella has been having trouble retaining her own body heat.

Turning to look at Rosalie, Wallace nods and Rosalie's lips tighten. She then walks towards Bella, whispering something in the brunette's ear that she can't hear before she's leaving the bathroom. Patting the stack of silky grey towels that are resting on the corner of the bathroom's white marble sink with a single hand. 

"Alright," Wallace says because he knows the cold bathroom can't be good for Bella's body. "Ready for a bath?"

Bella's eyes flick up to him, a stale brown, and she nods. She hesitates for a moment before standing, keeping a hand on the back of the chair, and slowly shrugs out of her white robe. Wallace turns his gaze away from her, not wanting to make her feel self-conscious and feels his stomach roll when he catches a glimpse of Bella's emaciated frame. It's not the first time Wallace has seen Bella naked, but it's the first time he's ever looked away.

The water makes a soft sound as Bella sinks into its depths. The water barely skimming the skin underneath her breasts. Wallace tries not to stare as he moves towards the bath, kneeling much as Rosalie did on the bath rug as he watches as Bella slowly relaxes into the water.

"You don't need to stay," Bella states, her voice is strained, taking up all her energy.

Wallace looks away from where he'd been scanning labels of the shampoo bottles Rosalie had left on the ledge of the tub. He looks at Bella, seeing that she is leaning back in the tub, arms crossed over her chest to hide her breasts from view. The action makes Wallace frown, not because he can't see Bella's fully, but because the Bella he knows always gloated in how Wallace couldn't ever seem to tear his eyes away from her. Now, it seems like Bella is trying to hide and pretend she isn't doing so at the same time.

"Are you turning down a head massage, Swan?" Wallace asks because he doesn't think that mentioning the strange way Bella's acting will win him any favors.

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