40 ; protective instincts

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[ chapter forty already? good grief. enjoy ]

Here's the thing: Wallace has spent a majority of Veran's life pretending that his son wasn't aging as rapidly as he was. Hadn't wanted to face the truth that his time with Veran would be more limited than what he had originally thought, but as he watched his son grow more by every minute, he found himself slowly accepting the fate. 

It started with the first snowfall. It wasn't the first snowfall Wallace has ever seen and it definitely wouldn't be his last, but to Veran it was a magical phenomenon. And Wallace supposed he had never looked at snow that way, couldn't remember a time when he had but found himself happy that he could relive the emotion through his son's eyes.

"It's chilly, so you'll wear a coat," Wallace intoned for the third time, adjusting the shoulders of Veran's snow jacket on his wiggly son's body. Veran, whom of which was thrumming with energy, knees bopping him up and down with the kind of energy only a toddler could have.

"Curly-" Veran started, his stopped words going to no doubt be a complaint about Wallace's pace, but he stopped the moment Bella appeared in the doorway. His tiny eyes widening as he lifted his hands into the air, showing Bella the sticky apple slice he had in his right hand. "Mama, I'm going outside."

Despite not being able to see her as he worked Veran's zipper up to his son's sternum, Wallace could feel Bella's smile. "I see that baby. Are you taking your apple with you?"

Veran nodded, bronze hair flashing underneath the brim of the Carhart beanie Wallace had forced onto his squirming son's head about twenty minutes prior. Yes, twenty minutes ago, because toddlers literally had no time management skills. Wallace tried to ignore how his son, only two weeks old, was now fully able to walk around like a one-year-old and talk like a three-year-old. 

"For a snack," Veran replied, almost as if Bella should've known that. He was much like Edward in that way, often carrying his father's simple delivery. It was something they were trying to get used to, as oftentimes Veran's tone came off more snotty to others than just placid.

"Of course, for a snack," Bella replied, acting like it was clear logic. She then nudged Wallace with the toe of her boot, a childish thing that she always did whenever she wanted Wallace's attention. "Edward said that he'd made a path for you and Ver. Said to stick to it and you guys shouldn't run into anyone."

Wallace looked up at Bella, seeing the way her golden eyes were softly shining at the mention of their other partner and found himself reveling truly in Edward's thoughtfulness. It was strange almost how all of them fit together so perfectly. Where Edward showcased his love in acts of service and Wallace showcased his love in quality time, it truly was Bella who brought them together with her desire for physical touch. Each of them were different but the same where it counted. 

"Mama, you not coming?" Veran asked, able to pick up on that Bella had excluded herself from the daily trip outside. 

"Mama is going to go see Grandpa," Bella spoke and this was news to Wallace and at his eyebrow raise, Bella mouthed the words 'Christmas presents' and Wallace nodded. They were still trying to keep up the charade of Santa for Veran's first Christmas. Bella turned towards their son then and said, "But mama will come next time with you and Curly, okay bubba?"

Veran didn't seem pleased, this seen in the twist of his lips, but he nodded. "Okay,"

Wallace clapped his hands onto his thigh where he was sitting on his shins on the floor. It drew Veran's attention to him, and Wallace like every time was struck a bit by how it was his son who was looking at him. It still was surreal. 

"Are you ready little man?" Wallace asks, standing upwards and then bent downwards to grab Veran underneath his arms, but was pushed away by a chubby hand.

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