To the Good Ol' Days

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"Cute," you smiled as you looked through your photos to see a silly photo of the two of you in front of a waterfall.

"Hmm?" Parzival leaned over from his seat to look at what you were seeing, "I remember that!" he grinned, "you pulled me into the river!"

You gasped with offence, "only after you pushed me!"


You turned on your headset and put it over your face, '68 unread messages,' was the notification that was blinking at you. "Oh no." You muttered to yourself. You hadn't been playing OASIS for nearly a week since you got the flu. You were aching all over and you definitely didn't want to put a screen over your eyes, so that's what you did. And even after you got better you couldn't jump straight back into the OASIS because you had mounds of homework that you needed to get You opened up your messages and noticed how every single one was from Parzival.

-Ready for today (g/t)?


-(g/t) where'd you go?


-Did you forget about today?

-Where are you?

-The race is starting in half an hour

-What happened?

-You're not online.

-The race is starting in 20 minutes.

-(g/t) are you all right?

-Did you die?

-I told you to avoid PvP

-The race is starting in 10 minutes

-Are you coming?

-Nobody won. I almost got smashed by the T-Rex

-I'm alive tho :)

-(g/t) where are you?

-It's been over 24 hours

-Are you all right?

-(g/ttttttttt) please respond

-I'm really worried

-Were you grounded?

-Am I never going to talk to you again?

-It's been 2 days (g/t)

-Are you mad at me?

-Did I do something wrong?

-I'm sorry for whatever I did

-Still haven't won a race, but nobody else has either

-OASIS is pretty lame without you


-Third day with no word from you

-I met a cool dude named Aech

-I'm not abandoning you


-But he'll totally up my car game

-Kinda scary looking dude tho

-He's nice tho

-A little frigid at first

-I'll introduce you to him if you get back

-You are coming back right?

-You didn't just leave OASIS without telling me, did you?

-Are you okay?

-Even a single letter

-To tell me you're not dead

Ready Player: START (Parzival x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now