Chapter 7

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Jisung's phone vibrated beside him. He didn't want to answer it. He wanted to enjoy this quiet peace for as long as it lasted. He wasn't ready to let go of it yet. However, a few thoughts came flying in on why the phone call might be important. Who knows! The call could possibly be on someone being in trouble or a major announcement. It could also be Seungmin trying to prank call him. Jisung groaned as he grabbed his phone. He reluctantly answered it.

"Hello?" he tried to say through his scratchy voice.

"JISUNGIE," Seungmin screamed through the phone, nearly making Jisung deaf, "are you alright? We were a little worried." Jisung smiled at Seungmin's cheery voice.                                              "I'm fine Minnie. I'm at the pool. Are you with the others?"                                                                "He's with Hyunjin, myself and Jeongin," Felix's deep voice rattled the speakers, "are you sure you're okay Jisung? Your voice sounds very raspy and hoarse." Jisung turned silent in a few seconds. The scenes of his crying moments came flashing in his mind like a movie. "Jisung-hyung?" Jeongin said. Jisung thought through all his emotions he had been feeling throughout the entire day. As the flashbacks happened and a lot of shouting to himself in his mind, he smiled.

"Erm Jisung," Hyunjin spoke, "I think we'll hang up the phone if don't wanna talk anymore."                                                                                                                                         "Wait," Jisung said almost happily but covered it up in time, "tell Minho to meet me at the fourth floor. Tell him to be not be late." With those last words Jisung hung up. The four guys looked at each other with bewildered looks. They all knew what they were thinking about. "That was weird..." Jeongin said.                                                                                           "On the fact that Jisung suddenly wanted to meet Minho after all that rollercoaster of emotions," Felix said in one breath, "you're not alone Jeongin."                                                                 
"Well," said Hyunjin pulling out his phone from his jean pocket, "the only good thing to do now is to go call Minho." Hyunjin dialled Minho's number and waited for him to pick up. Minho picked up super quickly.                                                                                                                 "The fuck you want Hyunjin," Minho shouted through the phone, "I'm tryna sleep!"                           
"Geez, you didn't have to be so loud cranky grandpa,"Hyunjin said teasingly knowing too well that Minho was going to haunt him, "anyways, meet us at the pool on the fourth floor. Don't delay."
Few seconds of silence.
"Who's 'we'?" Minho questions suspiciously.                                                                                    
"Me, Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin." Hyunjin said cheekily with a wink to the three.                           "Okay" Minho soon said and hung up. The four cheered, glad that their hyung was able to fall for the trick.

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