Fans and the Future

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  (Matts my favorite and the pic was cute... he is mine:o oh snap yeah gurl I went there).            

                                         Maddie's POV

        I was just in a good dream but I woke up and it was really rainy out, I looked at my clock and it said 5:43AM hmmmm is that early. Oh well, I got out of bed on my tummy but fell because it was too high, I giggled at myself and then ran to my window and got on a chair. I watched some rain fall and felt the window, it was still warm so I want to play out there. But I can't go alone I might get in trouble, I was thinking of who I should pick to go outside with me and I decided on uncle Hayes. I opened the door but I had a little trouble. I went across the hall really quietly and got open Hayes door. I went over to his bed and poked his cheek "uncle Hayes its waining outside" I said.

He chuckled "yeah I know I see, you wanna go out and play in the rain" he asked me. "Wes I wanted to but I didn't know who to get so I got you" I squealed.  "Alright" he said getting up and giving me a piggy back ride to my room. "I'm gonna get you the black magcon hoodie we got you and some black leggings okay?"

"Otay, do I have a waincoat and wainboots in thewe" I asked as he got me dressed. "Uh, yep you have black with white polka dots or black with little pink hearts" he said as he picked me up to show me, I chose the black and white polka dot boots and coat. He help me put them on and we tiptoed downstairs. We got outside and we jumped in puddles and played for a long time. Until I heard the door close and Matt walked out with two towels. He gave one to Hayes and he wrapped me in the other one and we went inside. Daddy was making pancakes and I ran up to him "daddy" I squealed and jumped in his arms. He picked me up and told me I had a surprise later. I wonder what it could be, now I'm excited.

                                   Matt's POV

          I walked downstairs and sat next to maddie, she looked up at me and smiled. I started to laugh at the crazy amount of syrup all over her face. How the hell did she get pancakes in her hair... wtf. I decided to bring her upstairs and give her a bath while the guys help the surprise get ready. She giggled as I picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. "Matty?" She said "yeah kiddo" I answered, "what if daddy will not wove me anymowe and bwing me back to the orphanage, I don't wanna go back thewe" she said worriedly "hey, don't worry he will always love you, we will always love you, we will never ever bring you back to the orphanage, I promise" I answered. Poor kid, she has been through too much for a 3 year old. I got her undressed and put her in the bath. She was putting soap in my hair and asked if she could play with it later. Well what could go wrong "sure kiddo" I answered and finished washing her and got her dressed in the same MAGCON hoodie and black leggings as before since they we're still clean and dry. We walked downstairs and saw...

                                           Maddie's POV

             We walked downstairs and saw Connor, JC, kian, and some other boys, one had blackish hair and really pink cheeks, one was shorter than the other ones and looked a little older than Hayes, and there was another one that I have seen before but haven't met, he was kinda tall and has a blond strike in the front of his hair, he was like Taylor because of the bandana. I ran up to Connor and squealed "Connow why awe you hewe" I asked. "I wanted to visit you and I brought some friends along, this is Sam, Trevor, Ricky, and you already met JC and Kian. I said hi to all of them and figured that Trevor was the best singer, Sam was the calmest and quietest (A/N BAHAHAHA YA RIGHT) and that Ricky was one of the most responsible (A/N I SAID ONE OF).

                                       one hour later (spongebob thing voice)

                            Right now we are on our way to Chipotle because we are all really hungry. We are all just listening to music and singing loudly to it. We pulled in and got out, there were a lot of screaming girls that were calling me mean names... maybe I am ugly, maybe I am fat, maybe I am stupid. All these thoughts were going through my head as we walked in, good, it was basically empty. I went on my phone that daddy got me last week and looked up how to not be fat, it said stop eating or go on a diet, I don't know what a diet is so oh well, I will just stop eating. Next, I looked up how to not be stupid, it said to study a lot and to practice writing, reading, math, science, and practice places in the world. Lastly, I looked up how to not be ugly, it said use makeup. I was reading a lot about this and something caught my eye, it was a wrist that was all cut up, that makes me sad to see people hurt themselves. I locked my phone and got into the chair booster seat thing, and got some water. The waiter came  and Connor asked me what I want, I said I wasn't that hungry and begged to not eat. I told them I was going to the bathroom so I did, I took my phone with me and took a picture of myself, I captioned it 'am I pretty yet' I shut off my phone and started to cry, I heard the door opened and I gasped looking at who it was, IT WAS LIA, JC'S GIRLFRIEND. But there were girls surrounding her (A/NTHIS IS A MESSAGE TO LIA HATERS, BACK OFF U HAVE NO POWER)  they were yelling mean things to her and said mean things, they called her the same thing they call me, they pushed her against the wall and she looked really scared. I quickly got out my phone and texted Auntie Mahogany to come help. I walked out of the stall and Lia looked over. I put NY finger up to my lips telling her to be quiet. I heard Lia scream and start to cry. I looked over and one of the girls were stepping on her ankle with there heel. I ran over to her "wia awe you otay" I yelled, "I'm fine sweetie, you should go" she said as they surrounded both of us. Lia got in front of me and the girls pushed her against the wall. One of them was about to punch me but someone grabbed her hand. It was Mahogany. "AUNTIE" I squealed as Matt and Carter started yelling through the door. They busted in and took the girls out and auntie brought lia to JC who was patiently waiting outside the door. We all ended up going to the hospital and met up with jack (thatssojack) on the way.

                            We waited for the doctor and he came out and called her name "she has..."




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