Chapter 1: The end battle

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The sith emperor is dead the dark council has fallen and now corriban the sith homeworld is under mass invasion from the Jedi and old republic forces. In space the empires fleet is holding their own but the ground forces are being massacred. What sith warriors remain are hard pressed to hold of the endless tide of Jedi and republic troops. Now the sith temple is under siege among the defenders are 6 young sith human apprentices all of them barely 18 but have been thrust lightsabers in their hands and are expected to kill.

Morkin was a young boy who was currently at the main entrance of the temple along with imperial troopers and four sith warriors holding off the republic attack. His black and red clock was torn and blooded from all his fellow imperials that were being blown up and blasted around him. He pulled down his hood so he could see more of his surroundings, there were only five imperial troopers left standing at this section of the defences and the sith warriors were now engaged in a brutal battle with the Jedi knights that had just stormed into the breech one of the sith warriors was cut down instantly. But he was averaged as a warrior wearing a sith acolyte mask forced pushed the Jedi of his feet and charged him before the Jedi could recover the sith slashed his red lightsaber across his neck taking his head off. Before the sith had a chance to rest a female Jedi changed at him they locked lightsabers and exchanged blow after blow, each blocking the others attacks. The sith warrior was getting the upper hand and managed to slash his lightsaber across the women's side wounding her but not ending her. before he could deliver the final blow three republic commandos fired on the sith. The sith deflected the blaster bolts, and used the force to push the commandos back two smashed hard into the wall and went limp when the other got to his feet and fired off another shot the sith deflected the blast with ease back at the commando which struck him in the chest killing him instantly. All the while the female Jedi had got back on her feet and was now joined by another male Jedi who had just killed the third sith warrior they both charged the sith wearing the mask together. The sith fought bravely deflecting blows and exchanging them but was soon over powered as he desperately tried to even the odds by locking weapons with the female Jedi but the male fliped round the side and brought his lightsaber up aiming to cut the siths head off.

Morkin drew up his strength in the force and forced dashed, before the Jedi knew what had happened he felt his lightsaber deflected. Morkin Kept up the attack slashing across the jedis chest, however  his armour kept the strike from being fatal. Morkins lightsaber had cut deep into the amour but the Jedi was now on the attack morkin exchanges blows before jumping high in the air and flipping over the Jedi and behind. He then drove his lightsaber into the jedi's back, he yelled in pain and fell to the ground. The Jedi went limp and morkin gazed down at him.  This was not only the first Jedi he had ever killed it was the first thing he had ever killed, but there was soon to be more As republic troops came storming into the breech the last of the imperials were gunned down. At that point morkin charged at the closest of the troopers, his anger and rage filling him with a power. he slashed and stabbed wildly killing several of the enemy before ending the assault by taken the head of what he assumed was a captain of the republic. At the sight of their captains headless body many of the republic troopers started to retreat. The fight seemed one but the arrival of more commandos made them stand their ground, they locked the sights of their weapons on morkin who brought his red lightsaber up readying for the coming assault.

Before the commandos could even fire they were blasted by a unseen Allie. Morkin turned to see his fellow sith apprentice Yoniax rushing down the hall with 14 more imperial troops. Yoniax was the same age as morkin and of the same height but unlike his dark brown hair she had black long hair which reached her shoulders. and she had a kind beautiful face.  She was wearing the same black cyber Armour but her tunic and robes were black unlike morkins red and black. Morkin and Yoniax shared the same yellow pupils as all sith do but throughout their training they had grown closer and helped one another. Morkin was relieved that he now had her at his side to hold of this attack.

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