Chapter 2: evacuation

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The 6 apprentices rushes through the ruins of the temple, the fighting was fierce all around them. They knew that they had to get out before the Jedi came and finished them. The came to the launch bay of the temple and found over 20 imperial troopers and officers within the hanger. Upon seeing the siths the imperials call stood at attention.

Yoniax: who's in command here

Imperial officer: I am, captain henzin what is the situation

Morkin: the battle is lost, you need to signal all remaining forces to pull back and make for the cursers.

Captain henzin: they quite impossible our forces in space are holding their own but if we flee now we will lose corriban.

axeadi: look around you captain, we have already lost corriban.

kahu: our forces have been overwhelmed and we may be the only few remaining sith left alive.

Captain henzin: I have my orders from Darth Talnaz, am to hold here until I am given orders by the siths wrath

Morkin: captain our master is dead, and we are the siths wrath, we have our orders from our master to ensure the empires survival.

zarto: so captain give the orders for all forces to evacuate, we need every last personal from the empire now.

zenual: that includes you and all of your mean here, get them onto the ships and to the cruisers now.

Captain henzal heisted for a moment all of the troopers around were looking to him for their orders.

Captain henzal: give the the radio coms, and the rest of you get into the ships we are evacuating.

All the troopers in the hanger obeyed the order and began to climb into the transport ships.

Captain henzal: all imperial personal this is captain henzal, we are retreating the battle is lost all personal make you way to the hangers for evacuation, I say again all imperial personal make your way to the hangers for evacuation.

Time passed and more and more of the imperial troops came to the hanger and board the transports. Several of the troop transports had began to take off when a hologram transmission came through. It was one of the imperial admirals, he was a young man in his early thirty's he had short black cropped hair and a scar that ran across his face.

Admiral varic: this is admiral varic of the battlecruiser vengeance, who am I addressing.

Captain henzal: captain henzal sir, leader of the ground forces.

Admiral varic: where is commander Jezica.

Captain henzal: she is wounded sir, we have loaded her into in the troop transports along with many other wounded, I am the only high ranking officer left of our ground forces.

Admiral varic: I see it was a hard fight, who are the sith with you.

Morkin: we are the apprentices of Darth Tanzal adriml I am morkin

Yoniax: yoniax

kahu: kahu

zenual: zenual

axeadi: axeadi

Zarto: zarto, admiral we have been given our orders from our master.

Zenual: we must evacuate with all the forces we can and leave now.

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