Chapter 4: the 6 strike

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3 Years has passed since the end of the war with the republic and the sith empire supposed destruction. Little did the Jedi or republic know of the 6 and their followers survival.
Kahu, zarto,zenual, axeadi, Yoniax and morkin were now some of the last sith in the galaxy they had heard that there were others still alive but they had found their own way to end the sith infighting by there only being two a master and an apprentice. The 6 thought the shame this brought to their many sith brothers and sisters who gave their lives for the empire, they wanted nothing to do with those so called sith pretenders. Their fleet had voyaged into the unknown regions close to the know part of space that was outside the republics jurisdiction. They had found a suitable planet which during the last secret rebuilding of the empire was used to build up their war machine. The planet had a space dock which the 6 used to house their fleet and repair while on the planet were the foundries they need to rebuild their war machine. With the wrath military command restored and devoted to them they aloud them to start the rebuild while the 6 trained to better their lightsaber skills and knowledge of the force, using the sith Holocrone they learnt to use the dark side of the force and unlocked its secrets. Within three years they had mastery over their lightsaber skills to match the deadliest of sith assassins. And a power of the force they had never felt with the holocrone guiding them, they now were able to use force lighting. The 6 knew they still had more to learn as their force lighting was not to the strongest standers but the sith wrath's had stumbled and only they could end the holt.

The command headquarters of the sith military addressed the 6.

Morkin: we have no new recruits to the empires ranks.

Grand general henzal: I'm afraid not my lords, the empires recruitment..

Kahu: the empire is gone! I thought that was made clear three years ago henzal!

Zenual: the empire will return when we return to the galaxy, we are the siths wrath for now until the empire is restored

Henzal: apologies my lords, the wrath recruitment is slowing, as we have nearly depleted the planets in this system of all human recruits.

Yoniax: how many of the planets are under our direct control with a force on.

Henzal: all together 3 not including this planet.

Yoniax: there are other planets in the system, search them for the recruits we need.

Henzal: I fear my lords those planets are not habitual, aside for the beats that roam it.

Morkin: so we have depleted the planets of recruits, it would seem we may have to take a more drastic measure to increase the flow of more soldiers to our cause.

Axeadi: we are in the unknown regions of the galaxy, but there are still planets close by that are outside of republic space.

Henzal: indeed my lord the closest planet we believe we can occupy with a small force of

Morkin: no general, we can not send any kindof force out the Jedi will know of our return.

Zarto: this has to be a stealth operation, a small force we could set up a base and start a recruitment scheme.

Kahu: or we occupy the planet complete in secret a stealth attack.

Axeadi: I'm inclined to believe that any occupation may lead to our discovery, however for this to work we may need to have a larger control over the planet to get what we need.

Yoniax: so let's do both we larch an attack on the planet take make it look as if a simple large raid all the while we take recruits we need then leave behind a force to establish in secret to continue the flow of troopers.

Morkin: let us be thankful the republics reach does not reach this far, for all their power and strength the are blinder than ever.

They all laugh

Henzal: I have your permission my lords to ready a force

Zenual: you may ready a force general, but you will not be leading any attack.

Zarto: we will be leading the attack with a small force, and in the confusion you will land with the larger force and prepare the establishment.

Henzal: I understand, my lords I will prepare our forces and bring with me our top engineers to quicken the process.

He bowls then turns to leave.

Morkin: remember general, no witnesses spare only the young they will be our new generation of soldiers, kill the rest.

Once he had left the 6 gathered their thoughts,

Zarto: this attack are we sure is the best choice.

Axeadi: without more recruits we have no way of preparing for the empires rebirth, sooner or later we were going to need to expand further.

Morkin: we have little to gain from this attack personal, we will simple be slaughtering a people on the far side of the galaxy, they may put up little to no fight.

Yoniax: time to put our skills to the test.

Several hours later they were in the planet.

The 6 landed in their personal space shuttle along with a crew of 200 personal. 100 of which were imperial troopers, the planet was inhabited by a human people Their city's were built up and their civilianisation was flourishing. This was the perfect world the 6 at the head of their small force attacked the largest city of the planet, the garrison of the city did their best to hold of the attackers but they were no match they would soon feel the wraths sabers.

Morkin and Yoniax has stuck together in the fight they had separated into pairs, they were leading the main force down the centre of the city's defences. Morkin slashed his lightsaber across the chest of several garrison soldiers they used his force lighting on another. Yoniax was leaping into the fray cutting down foe after foe as she moved. The civilians were running in all directions, as the imperial troopers advanced they were taking as many prisoners as they could, but many were getting caught in the cross fire of the imperial and garrison troopers alike. The 6 had ordered that all human children be spread and taken into custody, the imperial troopers were blasting the garrison to pieces they were much better trained and had superior fire power. Within a matter of mintues the city was theirs, morkin and Yoniax ordered their troopers to capture the last of the civilians while they would finish the garrison. The last of them had gathered near the central building which was assumed to be a governors palace if some kind. Morkin and Yoniax looked to one another. They were still wearing the same black and red armour and cloaks of the sith empire, but morkin had designed a new mask for each of the 6 to wear a blackened helmet with a red T visor and the emblem of the 6 which was the number six across the seal of the sith.

Morkin: I'll take the lead you follow.

Yoniax: the rear guards are mine

With that the charged at the garrison troopers, the troopers lowered their blasters and tried to gun down the pair before he got close but morkin deflected all their blasts hitting serval of them. As the were only a few feet away Yoniaxl leaped high over morkin and behind the ranks of the garrison. They were stunned but before they could react she slashed her saber across the chest of one as he yelled in pain she lunged at two more slashing both of them and a third she impaled with the blade.
As the troopers aimed their blasters morkin cut them down taking off the head of what he believed was the officer in charge. Then cutting down the last three, serval more were fleeing back into the palace but before they got inside a pair of figures appeared out of nowhere zarto and axeadi. They cut them all down before any of them could even fire their blasters.  The planet would soon be theirs but this action would reap terrible consequences if they did not follow the discreet path.

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