Chapter 6: return to the past

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The 6 departed for their mission some time later. They had informed their high ranking council of what their task was and with great debate. Several of the officers thought there were to many risks to even consider taking dromund Kaas back. In the end the 6 settled on the latter and would find what they needed and return. Morkin was not happy and aired his feelings as the 6 departed but yoniax calmed him.

The 6 were making their journey on one of the smaller cruisers as to not attract any unwanted attention. If the worst came to it and they ran into a republic patrol they would hopefully assume one of two things. One that they were simple scavengers of the fallen Sith empire or that they were a rogue group of pirates. Ether way as long as they were not taken prisoner they would remain hidden under the republics radar. The ship came out of hyper space and the 6 beheld the former capital world of their empire. Dromund Kaas, during the final days of the empire the 6 were taken for the planet by their master before it fell to republic forces to make their final stand on Korriban. The 6 never believed they would see the world again. But even now as they approached the planet all they felt was the lingering dread that the Jedi had beaten them and stolen their home.

"How strange it feels to be seeing this world again" kahu said clutching the hilt of his lightsaber "and to see how the Jedi joe paid waste to it" he spat

"The Jedi are hypocrites, they say they do not kill and that they are keepers of the peace yet their are the biggest murders of the galaxy" zenual said laying her head on kahus shoulder.

"The Jedi have not only killed our brothers and sisters think back to the years before they slaughter they inflicted on the Mandalorians" morkin said clutching his helmet in his hand firmly.  "The Jedi are nothing they fight for nothing, they don't even allow love within their order"

"Without love how can they possible know what to fight for, this is why we are superior" yoniax wrapped her arms sound morkin and pulled him close.

They 6 were standing in the bridge and could feel the eyes of the crew watching them but they cared very little. As far as they were concerned they could freely show their affection towards their own lover. To one another they showed their lighter side but to anyone else they had little to no mercy and would kill without a second thought.

"My lords" and officer called and the 6 turned to face the captain of the ship. "We are approaching the landing point shall I order your shuttle and land escort to prepare"

"Yes captain, make sure the escort is small" morkin said "we are not here to fight this a simple retrieval"

"As you wish my lords" the captain bowed in respect then barked orders to his crew

"What do u expect we will find down there" asked zarto

"With any luck the answer to the future and past" answered axeadi

With that kahu and zenual marched off to the shuttle area with zarto and axeadi following. Yoniax turned to join them but saw morkin had not he was standing there looking out at their former home world.

"Morkin" yoniax said coming to his side

"I never thought we would see this world again, but here we are but not to stay"

"I know your pain" she answered taking his hand in hers "this was my home to, this place was all I ever knew before being taken in by the sith I was nothing"

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