Chapter Ten

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And after two days since that night, they were still reeling from the events. Georgia hadn't expected Sherlock to actually kiss her, but he did, and she loved it. When he had leaned in, all sorts of thoughts were going through her head. Oh god, is he actually going to do it?! And then, he did. Georgia had been in the best mood since then; her employees looking at her funny after she skipped into the lab the morning after, and Donna bugging her about what had happened. Georgia had finally agreed to meet her for lunch to explain everything, because it was clear that Donna wasn't going to let it go.

As for Sherlock, he hadn't been able to focus on anything since that night. In a way, it was frustrating, but that was drowned out by the bliss he felt after deciding to just go for it. He knew how he felt about Georgia, something that he'd never felt for any other woman, so why wait when there was a perfectly good opportunity to do it? Of course, there was always that niggling voice in the back of his mind, one that told him she didn't feel the same way, that he would get rejected and called a freak, the taxi door slamming in his face. That was the scenario playing in his mind leading up to it, but he should have known better than to trust it.

Neither Sherlock nor Georgia had spoken to each other since, both overtaken by the nerves that came with the fear of rejection. That the other one would regret the kiss, and they wouldn't want to see them again. Once again, Sherlock was sat at the desk in his living room, now looking at the same number, but under Georgia's name on his phone instead of on a piece of paper.

"Screw it." He muttered under his breath, picking up the phone and pressing the call button. Why should he be this nervous? Exactly, he shouldn't be. The phone rang five times before there was an answer. Mainly because Georgia was completely freaking out over his name that had popped up on her phone just as she was examining skull fragments.

"Hey." Keep it cool, Georgia. Don't let him hear you're nervous.

"Hi, I..." Come on, say something Sherlock! "I was just wondering if you wanted to...get coffee, tomorrow?" He literally face palmed at this. How cliche can one person get? What has happened to me?!

"I— sure! I would love to, that would be great, yeah!" Stop talking now, Georgia. Sherlock smiled slightly to himself, he could tell she was nervous, but he wasn't judging, he was just better at hiding his.

"Great, I'll see you then." He said softly, the smile still prominent on his face.

"I'll see you then." She replied, unconsciously mirroring his smile.


"Right, so I need details, main events - the whole shebang." As soon as Georgia had sat down with Donna, she had been pestered with questions about what happened and when.

"Calm down, I'll tell you everything. Just give me a second, okay?" Donna nodded, rolling her eyes in mock exasperation while Georgia prepared to tell her everything...well, almost everything. "So, he took me out to dinner at this really posh restaurant, it was so beautiful, almost as beautiful as him, but I mean, let's be fair - he is a Greek God, so it's kind of hard to beat that." Donna could just tell by the look on Georgia's face that she was smitten with this man. In all her years of knowing her, she'd never spoken about a man like this before. "We spoke about so much, and I learned so much about him that surprised me.

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