Chapter Twenty - Six

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The Unexpected.



Julia had arrived earlier than either of them had expected - three weeks earlier to be exact. But that didn't mean that Sherlock and Georgia weren't the happiest people on the planet in that moment, it just meant that they weren't as prepared as they would have been. But of course, Julia had the Holmes gene - this meant that she was bound to come at an inconvenient time. It just so happened that the day she decided to come was a day that Sherlock was away for a case in Brighton. 

"Sherlock? You need to get here as soon as possible - it's Georgia, she's in labour." Sherlock's eyes widened as he gripped the phone tighter.

"What?! But she isn't due for another three weeks!" He was having a hard time comprehending the situation in his state of shock, but he quickly shook himself into action and started exiting the building without even explaining the situation to the people he was working with. 

"Yeah, well looks like she wants to come earlier - definitely your child - already stubborn!" Donna chuckled, but Sherlock could detect the urgency and slight panic in her voice.

"Is everything okay though? Is there anything to worry about other than her being early?" he asked as he promptly got into his car and started the engine, putting the phone on speaker.

"Yeah, no, everything is fine apart from that. They checked for all possible complications, but this far in, they can't see anything wrong. Although they said that it may be another story once she's born." Sherlock took a deep breath, trying to push away all of the bad scenarios that had started to take shape in his head. 

"Okay, I'll be there as fast as I can, but it's still going to take me at least an hour. How dilated is she?"  

"Not at all - her waters haven broken yet, so it's going to be a while. You'll get here in plenty of time, so don't fret. I promise you won't miss anything." 

And much to his relief, Hope had been right. Sherlock arrived just before Georgia's waters broke, and he got to witness everything. In the time leading up to this moment, he had been reading lots of forums online and lots of books about becoming a parent - becoming a father for the first time, and all of them had said pretty much the same thing; that it was the best experience in the world. 

The birth was supposed to be this magical experience, and from some men's recount of the moment, they found it better to be down the business end while everything happened, but Sherlock knew better than to follow that advice. In his experience, it wasn't the actual birth that made the moment (because got knows seeing Georgia in that amount of pain was hell on earth of him) but the moment that he got to see his child for the first time.

Julia Lorelai Holmes. 

It was like nothing he had ever experienced before - the feeling of holding his newborn daughter. He had to stop every thought in his head for just a minute to comprehend what was going on in that moment. Never in his mind had he ever imagined a moment like this. In fact, he wasn't sure if he could even imagine the feeling that was running through every nerve in his body at that moment. 

When you lead a life like Sherlock's, you quickly learn that not many people would put up with you and your actions, your personality or your lifestyle. But Sherlock was so extremely lucky to meet someone who put up with all of those things, and give him a family of his own - one that he didn't even know he wanted until he met her. 

So right now, to be stood next to Georgia with his daughter in his arms posing for Mrs Hudson's camera, he felt pretty damn lucky. 


Author's Note


So, that's it. The last chapter.

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