Chapter Fourteen

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Udhetim i sigurt!

(safe travels!)



Georgia doubted that she had ever been this excited in her whole life. Yes, there had been other exhibitions and excavations and historical sites, but this one was different. For years she had been dreaming of going to Amantia, but she never thought that she would actually get to experience it for herself. And she got to do all of it with Sherlock by her side, which was an added bonus. 

She had been so excited when Sherlock had surprised her by saying yes to going with her - of course, Georgia thought she was setting herself up for failure, because why would her boyfriend, the consulting detective, want to go to Albania to look at some old stones? Well, she was right. He didn't want to go and look at some rock stuck in the ground, but he knew how much this trip meant to Georgia, and although she could have gone with Donna, he also knew how much she wanted to go with him. So he couldn't bring himself to say no. 

And that is how Georgia and Sherlock ended up on a 3 hour flight to Albania. 

"Could you possibly sit still for more than five minutes?" Sherlock asked his fidgety girlfriend, who was currently unable to stop moving. 

"Sorry, I'm just so excited!" She looked up at him, smiling widely. Sherlock couldn't help but smile back - he loved seeing Georgia so happy, it always put him in a good mood, no matter what. 

That was another thing that Sherlock loved about Georgia - her ability to put him in a good mood without even trying, or knowing for that matter. Usually if he was in a bad mood, he would stay that way for days on end, ignoring people's calls and texts, just hiding away for a while. But ever since he had started dating Georgia, that had all changed. 

Even John had noticed it, and he didn't even know that they had started dating. But he had seen the change in Sherlock recently, and he was curious to know what had caused this sudden flick of a switch in his best friends mind to make him act . . . differently than before. Of course, he had his theories (at least one of them to do with his association with Georgia), but he couldn't be certain that it was down to any of his ideas. He would just have to wait and see. 

As for Donna, she too had noticed a change in Georgia. Usually, Georgia was in a good mood anyway, she wasn't one to mope around the office all day because there was no work (except for the odd couple of times), but it was still a surprise when for a whole week, Georgia had been coming into work almost floating mid-air because she was so happy. 

This is when John and Donna decided to join forces and work together to find out exactly what was going on. But little did they know, what they wanted to find out was right in front of them, for Sherlock had made a little mistake. 

It was four in the afternoon, and the two makeshift 'detectives' came together at Baker Street to discuss their friends. As soon as Donna had walked in, John had offered her tea, going through to the kitchen to put the kettle on as Donna walked into the living room, looking around at the messy space. 

"Organised mess, I assume?" She asked John as he walked into the room with two mugs, handing one to her. 

He nodded, walking over to one of the desk chairs, sitting down. He gestured for Donna to take his armchair, which she did gratefully. 

"So, there has to be something going on here. Surely we can't just be making a mountain out of a molehill. I mean, it's hardly a coincidence that they've both started to act differen-" Donna stopped before she finished, noticing a picture sticking out of a pile of Sherlock's work papers. 

Usually, it would be normal to have pictures all over the flat from various different cases, but this one looked like it had been hidden on purpose. 

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" She wondered, getting up and walking over to the desk. She pointed to the picture and looked towards to John. 

"I have no idea what that is. I didn't notice it before, but it's definitely not mine . . ." Donna slowly pulled out the picture from under the papers, gaping at what she saw. 

"Well. There's definitely something going on between the two of them, that's for sure." 

The picture was one of Sherlock and Georgia, cuddled together at what looked to be the cinema. It had been taken from below them, Georgia clearly trying to get a good mugshot of Sherlock, and it didn't work, because as always, Sherlock looked cute anyway. Donna laughed at the funny faces that the both of them were pulling, while John just looked at it in astonishment. He had never seen that side of his best friend before, and it was certainly a change to his usually cold demeanour. 

Georgia had been disappointed that she hadn't got her mugshot, but she loved the picture nonetheless - neither of them looked that bad either, so she had gone straight to the photo shop as soon as the film had finished and printed out the picture twice - one for her, and one for Sherlock. 

She had also told Sherlock to hide the photo, just in case anyone were to find it. And he was planning on doing so, had Greg not come in just as he was looking at it. So he quickly shoved it under a pile of papers, forgetting that it was even there. 

And that was how the photo had ended up here, in Donna and John's hands; the first bit of evidence. 


authors note !

hey there!  sorry for not updating for a while - i've been super busy lately, and that paired with no motivation to write has not been great. but hopefully there'll be some more updates to come either today or sometime in the week.

thank you for being so patient, and for reading! 

abbie x

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