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FOUR tomorrow omf



Zayn has been trying all night to avoid Liam's questions about Niall, but there comes a point where that's not possible anymore. That point was the next morning in Zayn's bed.

"Z-zayn. You c-can't k-keep ignor-oring my qu-questions."

Dammit, he noticed.

"Niall's just had a rough time," Zayn lies, "he's got this massive crush on Harry and he's frustrated that he can't tell him how he feels."

I'm good at this lying thing.

"I-I know y-you're l-lying"

Okay, maybe not so much.

"B-but I'll let i-it go."

"You're going to make me tell you eventually, aren't you." Zayn groans.

Liam smiles and nods, "Y-you know me w-well."

"We have to get out of bed eventually."

"D-don't wanna." Liam whines, rolling over onto his stomach with his arm across Zayn's stomach.

This is what Zayn likes. He likes the comfort he has around Liam. He likes their constant cuddling, Liam acting like a little baby, and the cute kisses Liam gives to wake him up.

"Li, you haven't been to your house in a while, always being here with me.Maybe we should go by and see if things are alright there. Like, make sure nobody's vandalized it and all." Zayn has never been to or seen Liam's house. So he figured this would be a good excuse to.

"Th-the house is f-fine."

Zayn rolls over on his stomach too, so Liam's arm is on his back, "And how do you know that?"

Liam smiles shyly and whispers, "I live with my mum."

Zayn stares at him for a second before, "Aaaaaaw, Liam!" and he has the most fond smile on his face; his boyfriend really is the most adorable thing ever.

"Shh" Liam tells Zayn, his cheeks turning pink.

"Remember when I told you that you were too adorable for your own good?" it was when they had first met. Liam nods, "Well, it hasn't changed at all."

"Y-you act l-like I'm a b-baby."

True," Zayn sighs, "but you're my baby."

"S-sap." Liam says, shaking his head.


"Liam dear? Is that you?" a woman's voice rings in Zayn's ears as they enter Liam's home.

"Y-yeah, mum." Liam calls out.

"Liam!" a lady comes around the corner in a flowery dress and slippers. She hugs Liam tightly and Liam reciprocates the geasture.

She doesn't seem to notice Zayn is even standing there as she pulls back, "Where have you been? You said a friend's house, right? Your sisters have missed you."

He lives with his sisters too? 

Just then, Liam's mother seems to realize Zayn is standing right there, "Oh? Who's this?"

Liam bites his lip, "M-mum, this i-is Zayn."

That's all Liam has to say for his mum to squeal like a teenage girl,"This is him?!"


"What's she talking about?" Zayn whispers into Liam's ear as his mum rambles on about something about using what you learned in sex ed in the real world.

"I-I may h-have talked about y-you."

"So, you're his boyfriend then? I'm Karen." 

"U-um yes ma'am. I am, I'm Zayn." he flashes her a smile.

"Liam talked about you for the longest time. He had Harry over and you could hear him worrying over you. It had only been a month but wowza did it feel like forever before he finally made a move."


"Worrying over me, eh?" he smirks at his boyfriend, recalling the time when Liam told him that when he has feelings, they're strong.


Zayn's phone rings in his pocket and he looks at the screen to see Niall is calling him.

"Ni? What's up, mate."

"It's Harry. Niall's asleep. Could you and Liam come over? You know, so we can make up last night's disaster."

"Oh, hey Harry. Yeah, we'll come. Tonight?"

"Yeah, tonight. Thanks Zayn."

And he hangs up.

"Wh-what was that a-about?"

"We're going to Harry's tonight."


over 100 reads since the last update woah thanks

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