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new story on my profile, its called "disorder" and its ziam, please read?? :)

short chapter


"Z-Zayn?" Liam creaks open Zayn's bedroom door.

"What." he answers in a monotonous voice.

"A-are you o-okay?" Liam asks even though he knows the answer.

"No," Zayn stands and goes to the doorway where Liam is, "I'm not fucking okay. He's trying to take you away from me!"

"He won't." Liam promises, "H-he can't."

"He will! Open your eyes Liam! Not everything is fine and dandy here! Not everything is rainbows and unicorns, you know." Zayn scolds his boyfriend. But that last sentence set Liam off. So he did something Zayn had never seen before.

"You don't think I know that?! Zayn I know it's not all okay! I've been through a bunch of this shit throughout my life and you think I don't know?! I like to pretend it's okay, I don't want you mad! Are you just going to let him take you from me? I'm not! But by the looks of it, you aren't going to do shit about it!"

Zayn can't speak because one, Liam's right, and two, he didn't stutter.


"F-forget it." Liam cuts him off, "C-call me when y-you c-care." he turns and leaves Zayn's house.

"I do care." Zayn whispers.


this chapter is so short and stupid ill make up for it in the next update

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