Leo's POV

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I made a promise.
A promise to come back.
And I will.
I will come back.
Because I love Calypso.
I sat in Bunker 9, working on a flash drive for Festus. It was at least 12:00 am, around the time I had been up every night this week.
After the war with Gaea, I had been in here working on all sorts of different projects to help me set flight for Ogygia.
But my friends had had enough of my rebellion against curfew. So, I wasn't surprised when the back entrance of Bunker 9 opened, revealing my two best friends Jason and Piper.
"Seriously?" Piper sighed.
"That's the third time this week, Leo."
Jason scowled.
I didn't look up from my monster- proof computer screen,"Actually, this has been going on all week."
Jason tapped his foot against the ground,"Not helping yourself."
Piper came over to me, and shut the laptop. In her best charm speak, she said to me,"You want to go to sleep."
As tempting as it was, I forced myself to ignore her,"Nice try, really."
She rolled her eyes,"I'm not kidding Leo, get to bed."
I put on my best little kid face,"Not now Mommy! Five more minutes?"
"You said that yesterday. Now, go."
Okay, so maybe it worked that time.
When I woke up, my face was stuck on my keyboard. I cursed myself silently.
I pealed it up looking at the screen, which now read;
Apparently, I landed on the letter, j.
I really hate charm speak.
"Stupid Aphrodite charm, making me a day late on Festus' flash drive." I muttered to myself.
I dragged myself away from the computer to eat breakfast. Even though I was now a day behind,( thanks Piper), I was starving.

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