Leo's POV 13

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She. Wasn't. There.
The Seven had to drag me out of Ogygia. I couldn't walk.
I couldn't think.
I couldn't function.
She. Was. Gone.
Jason flew me back up to the ship. When he landed, he put me down, and I crumpled to the ground.
Nothing. I'd lost all ability to do anything.
"Leo! Guys, help! Ambrosia, nectar, something!"
Percy and Frank scrambled to the sickbay, but Piper yelled,"Stop!"
The boys obeyed.
"Ambrosia and nectar won't do anything except blow him up! Leo's, he's, he's not fixable." She glanced at me curled up in a ball, having a panic attack.
"What do you mean, 'not fixable'?" Jason asked.
"Yeah?" Percy said,"There's gotta be a way!"
"There isn't,"Piper insisted,"Leo's a different kind of sick."
"What's wrong?" Annabeth asked.
"Leo's heartsick."
After Frank carried me to my dorm, (which was weird, considering he did it in gorilla form), the Seven kept visiting. Mainly to ask,"Where to next?"
I insisted that they kept the Argo II in the air. But that was all I said.
Well, I didn't even say it. I just flipped my hand in the air.
I cried a lot. I didn't care who was there. I just cried. Calypso, she was everything to me. She was a part of me. And I couldn't live without her.
One day, Piper walked into my room,"Can I?"
"Sure." I sniffed. I didn't even bother to sit up in my bed. I hadn't moved from a position of a circle since Frank dropped me here like that.
Piper sat down on the bed uncomfortably,"How are you?"
"How do you think?"
"Not good."
Finally, I said,"Piper, I miss her."
"I know, Leo."
"What do you miss about her?" Piper asked.
"Her hair. Her smile. Her laugh. Her, her eyes. Man, they were so pretty...." My voice cracked.
"Leo. I hate seeing you like this. Please, can you try to smile?"
I tried. I failed.
"I can't smile without Calypso."

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