Calypso's POV 5

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"So? Did it work?" Hephaestus asked, as I hung up the Leo Dream Call.
"If you mean, confused the schist out of him?," I said,"Then, yes."
Hephaestus looked shocked, as if this didn't normally happen,"Oh."
I sighed and stood up from the dinner table,"Thanks anyway, Hephaestus."
The God hummed, and dove into his steak, as if my praise was his entrance ticket to dinner.
I left him to his peace, and walked back to my cave.
Plopping on my bed, my heart ached.
Sure, I had fallen for demigods and mortals before, my heart hurt for a while, but I got over it.
Leo Valdez? Still not over him.
I couldn't help but miss that witty smile, and adorable laugh. I loved his determination, and incredible knowledge around any tool, as if he'd been using it his whole life. I missed his little elvish ears, fiery brown eyes, and smooth but messy brown hair.
He had no sense in style, but that was another plus. I had no idea where he got those suspenders,(and why were they the only thing that didn't burn?), but after seeing them worn all the time, I had grown to like them. Almost every day he was here consisted of me making new clothes, but I liked it because it gave me something to do.
Now, sitting here doing nothing, was really getting on my nerves. The only thing I could do, was count the hours of Leo's absence, and of course that didn't make me love my life any more.

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