A great loss and a awsome interduction brought my author.

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Holding my famous gray, gold lines with a hint of sea green my favorite color I walked into the little clearing with the gray leaves, our annual plant.

My favorite part of walking around the park with the soft crunch the leaves make when you walk on them, it's so peaceful and it reminds me to be humble not prideful.

Grabbing my basket I handed out food, one man walked up but he was stoped with a hand, I recognize the tone color and the strong hold

"Let the children eat first, besides you can afford food" the soft, voice spoke. To others he was hot but to me when I looked at him I only saw a beach, the way the sun hit his sea green eyes gave him the effect of a sunset coming off.

One little girl walked up to me, she had brown sharp eyes and long hair, unhealthily long hair.
"I'm not your service project you rich snob" even though I knew the words weren't her own but merely the poison of her parents bitter words still didn't mean each word put daggers into my heart.

I was about to express my true sorrow when that sunset voice came up "just because she's rich doesn't mean she's a snob lacu, cool name right besides if it weren't for her your parents wouldn't be able to give you food."

I stood there shocked, this boy was famous for hating the rich, if he didn't hate them he certainly didn't defend them. My heart filled with warmth, growing up I heard story's about the 'vigilante' that disrespect the high esteem people like my personal least favorite. Octavian.

"- sorry I shouldn't have said that! That was mean of me"

Lost in thought again.

"Sweetie it's alright. Why don't you get a extra Apple" I put warmth and love Into every word I said.

"Seee lacu she's a good one. That doesn't mean the TICLE MONSTER WONT COME THO" He said the tickle monster in a kind of big and funny voice, I couldn't help but laugh. What people don't know is that I have had a small crush on this guy ever since he stopped someone from taking a apple from a child. One of the many things he does, but each time I come he looks thinner, and thinner, and thinner. Not the handsome thinner either although he is handsome! Shut up! The super unhealthy starving yourself thinner.

412 words, checkpoint. Feel free to end here and come back.

As People left I noticed I still had a apple left.

"Hello? Strange robin hood dude" ok, yes I know, you have a Crush on the guy and don't even know his name.

"Yes?" Shoot was hoping his name would come with a yes, package deal. But nope no buy one get one free today.

"There's a apple left do you want it" I Realy wanted him to take it. If he took it, then he wouldn't look so unhealthy. Ok yes I know one apple won't make much difference but it will help right.

My gaze shifted to his eyes first they were calculating but they are shifting to panic.

"MISS ELARK!" He took off runner. So much for feeding him, I started packing up but the. I heard a panic sentenced "STAY PLEASE" well how can I say no.

I sat down and waited for him.


I ran as fast as my legs could carry me to my favorite elderly women's house, her name is mag but personally I call her miss elark for respect of her wise self, she's basically my teacher.

when I reached her house I felt wet, sticky blobs of water start to come out of my eyes. The door was wide open and strait in my view was a unmoving mag on the floor.

"HELP" was the strangled sob/yell that came out of my mouth. I needed help, anyone.

This is all your fault. If you hadn't left her alone when the bell rang she would be fine

I saw a blob of blond hair come my way and all I could do now is hope.


I heard a depressing help come from northeast and I ran, I know that I'm a princess but if someone yells help I do.

I was greeted by a mod of sad sea green eyes begging for anyone, even his hair seemed to dull if that was possible

"Help sh- she's" sobs broke his words to the point of loss of function.

"Shhhh i know, let me take a look" I walked over to her well, unmoving body and felt for a pulse just like they taught me after one of the ambassadors for Sparta got poisoned after she tried to prevent a war, I believe her name was Selena? Anyway it made princess clareese spelling please. Mad, but the war never happened. Hearing of the news my parents gave me medical classes with will solace for safety reasons.

The lack of pulse broke me out of you thoughts, and all I could do is shake my head, I didn't dare look behind me but the sob was all I needed to know that he was definitely not ok.

"My cough fault" hearing those two words made me look behind me and see his broken face, in pure disbelief that he Realy believed it was his fault
"Lies" short and simple point annabeth.
"It is. I left to- watch the feeding" each word was sapped with guilt

"What? That has nothing to do with you, for all you know the same could have happened with you." After many more attempts to try to get him to see it wasn't his fault, I gave up.

"Well, we should probably get you a snack and bring you home" I said it soothingly but his eyes got big

"Wh- no!" The panic in his voice had me concerned this wasn't subberness this was fear

"What's wrong" Whatever is wrong I must help.

"Look I appreciate you helping but, I am not hungry and I don't want to go home right now" the lie in his voice was so thick I'm surprised he thinks I'm this stupid

"You test me as a fool!" Good job annabeth 101 how to get a boy to like you, insult him

"Fine... don't make me go home and I'll eat." Thinking about it I found no downside.


1080 words. Also, why is the 8 so much larger then the 1 and the 0 makes it look weird.

Feedback would be nice i guess

Who likes my user ik it's not original but I wanted it to apply to every book I've ever loved not just one and it's kinda like a promise to myself that I won't stop reading even after adulthood.

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