Annabeth chase, princess of Athens goes by another title, the village Pittier. She brings homeless and helpless people food, but there's always one person who watches always making sure there's enough for others. But there never is enough for him.
Take the job, I help people but I would become the rich snob. Leave the job, I leave many people to die. I-I do-don't know. So many lives. I would also be leaving Grover.
I can't take it, to many people depend on me here. But I can't say no, I can't bring myself to be that selfless. I am selfish. I run away I to the woods, trees scrape my arms but I don't care, I'm rapidly blinking back tears. I can hear the soft crunch of footsteps behind me but I don't give them a second thought. Until, a arrow wizzes past me not hunters of Artimes sorry I see a blob of blond hair, and for a second I think annabeth. But I see Male form behind the bush. In all his glory I see the official bow man and healer. Will solace.
I run faster, afraid until I realize that will never misses Wich means... I stop but it's to late, I trip over a trip wire, set up by the arrow and fall to the ground, I'm fast getting up but not fast enough for a knife to my throat. I swallow a large glump, and smell the sent on the knife. A mix of blood and roses. This is for you hg fans. See the princes had the sent of roses installed into her knife so her enemy's always knew it was her, I don't want to know we're the blood scent is from.
"See the job offer is not realy a choice. Take it or become a slave, one you get paid one your my servant." I gulp and nod. This is it, my life serving the princess, no more food regulation days, no more sneaking into the rich houses and distributing the food. I am a castle peasant. I feel so many emotions it would take years to decipher them all, so lady's and gentlemen grab a chair. Well fir-
"Come on up then. To the castle first you will eat." My eyes go big, I remember taking that apple, the last of the food and watching my moms knowing smile and I shake my head. I can never take food again when so many others need it.
"Oh yes big boy. Oh yes" I scowl, I am a perfect boy. Big is a insult.
"Puh-lease. Big boy? I am if anything a perfect boy. Perfect Percy. Rolls of the toung eh?" Piper rolls her eyes but annabeth gives a small chuckle then scowls at herself like laughter is a horrible child that needs to be shown discipline.
I look around and realize that will left, Wich means....
I go limp, these girls can't carry me! I'm a growing boy!
"Get up you overgrown child." Guess who that came from? Annabeth. WRONG. My favorite piper.
"Nooo y'all can't Carry me ha!" I wo-
Annabeth picks me up bridal stile if y'all think annabeth couldn't pick Percy up, y'all Are cray cray.
"Wha- how!" I'm so confused! She's a girl! Or maybe...
"When you don't eat stupid you get light." Annabeth voiced.
"I eat, but only when everyone is full." I dont mind eating, I just hate wasting food on myself.
"Yeah yeah. Now to the castle."
My eyelids get heavy and I struggle to keep them open, to heavy, sleep would be nic-
Percys eyes drop and he starts to drool. That took him five mins to falls asleep! How is that even possible. I look over to my side and find piper look at him worriedly I try to reassure her with a smile but she looks away. I feel a twing if jelousy. I don't even know why I like Percy, I barley know him. He would never even like me anyway. He probably has a spark for that girl who always is around him. What's her name? Nancy? To be clear she's bullying him but annabeth doesn't know
I walk into the castle and all eyes are on me, will son of Apollo included.
"PIPER! HOW DO WE HIDE THAT WERE DEMIGODS!" pipers eyes go wide and she starts panicking to.
Percy shifts and the drool gets on my dress. I smile to myself the quickly shake my head. This boy does not love me.
Then she gets a idea "whenever he finds out, I'll charm speak him to forget until we know he's safe with the secret" I'm wary to accept. First that's stealing memory's, second that's putting him in danger of monster attacks without his knowledge. And last. It's just mean.
But do I have another choice?
"Ok piper. That works"
Sorry for the short chapter. Does anyone have any requests. Btw I have it all planned out how Percy finds out he's a demigod. No spoilers tho! I think imma do 3 chapters until annabeth and piper find out, I do slow updates so I want y'all to decide if that's ok, I can make it next chapter but that seems to fast. Please comment. In fact if I get someone who comments a lot, I'll do a chapter just for them. Anyway I need a vote of what job Side characters will have.
Cook. Maid. (For Percy) Official artist.
Cook. Maid.
Clareese (I can never spell her name)
Soldier General Assistant strategist
Guard Will solace assistant (lol I feel like I'm only gonna get comments for this one) Person who Barries (spelling?) the dead
Handmaiden Guard No job just a friend.
Comment if you want any more characters that I forgot and what you want there job to be. Will do a realy creative and cool oc if someone had a super good idea.
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