Facts 1--10:

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George was never able to cast a patronus again after Fred's death.

Fred and George were born on April Fools day.

Voldemort never felt loved since he was conceived by a love potion.

Harry, Ron and Hermione were all put on Chocolate Frog Cards after everything settled down.

The actress who played Moaning Myrtle is actually 37 years old. And is the oldest actress to portray a Hogwarts Student.

A Phoenix was Dumbledore's patronus.

Severus Snape was only picked on by James Potter because James thought Snape had bigger feelings for Lily than he did.

Dumbledore's boggart was his sister Ariana's corpse.

Snape was partially based on a teacher Rowling once had.

King's Cross Station is where young wizards hop on the Hogwarts Express to get to school. But for JK rowling, it was where her parents met.

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