Facts 491--500 + Final A/N:

208 11 29

A/N: omg this is the last one😭😭😭

For Rupert's first audition, he sent in a video of himself wearing a girl's dress and rapping the reasons he wanted to play Ron.

It was Helena's idea for Bellatrix to have rotten teeth because she thought that Bellatrix wouldn't brush her teeth in Azkaban.

In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie, Molly comes across a boggart and it would switch between each one of her kid's bodies, ending on Harry's dead body.

Oliver, the actor for George Weasley, said that filming Fred's death scene was really hard on him. But James said that it was the easiest day on set. But that was only because he was asleep while they were filming it.

The scene where Hermione punches Draco was originally supposed to be Hermione slaps Draco. And while rehearsing that, Tom Felton told Emma to slap him. He was thinking a stage slap, fake slap, not actually slap him. But Emma didn't really understand so she punched him.

In Ilvermony, you can be sorted into every single house. And if you do, that's super rare. But you get to choose.

It took Rowling six years to complete the first Harry Potter book.

The reason why there's such a big difference between the actors from Book 2 to Book 3 was because Daniel Radcliffe's mom wanted him to stay for the entire school year.

Prior to auditioning, Tom Felton had not read any single book of Harry Potter.

Daniel Radcliffe tried to wear contacts to make his eyes green but he was actually allergic to them and not later on, did he know he was allergic to his glasses.



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If you haven't yet, I still love you for reading it all but I would very much appreciate it if you do😌

But anyway, please vote for my story and add to your library or reading list. Thank you so much for reading until the end.

If you're new to the fandom, well hello there and i'm happy to welcome you as a Potterhead for 2 years😗✌️ We can be friends just private message me😃

But really, thank you so so much! This may have not gotten so much views but that's fine cause people actually read it considering them commenting!

Oh and, if you see some facts that aren't or weren't actually confirmed to be true, please don't hesitate to comment so I can see for myself.

Special Thanks to:


For inspiring me for the style of my facts! You can check hers out too!

I got my facts mostly from:
•google and other sites...

Most of these facts are confirmed. Please tell me if some of them aren't thanksss!!! Byebye now!😭😭


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