Facts 151--160:

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Chris Rankin, the actor who played Percy Weasley, was asked to help audition the actresses for Penelope Clearwater. "It was very weird" Rankin says.

Dean Thomas' father was killed by Death Eaters for refusing to join them. Neither Dean nor his mother (a muggle) know this. They assumed he just left them.

It took set designers 16 weeks to build the middle for the Burrow for Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince movie and it took 6 minutes to burn down.

J.K. Rowling wrote Alternative endings for the series which included Voldemort turning back into a child and Ginny turning into a bird.

James and Oliver Phelps, who played the Weasley twins, said they originally auditioned in order to get a day off school.

12 different publishers turned down Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's(Philosopher's) Stone book-- for being too long for a Children's book-- before Bloomsbury finally decided to publish it.

So many Harry Potter fans visit King's Cross Station to take pictures of Platforms 9 and 10 that the station management erected a sign that says "Platform 9 3/4 and a cart half sticking out of the wall.

The beds used in the Gryffindor dorm room set were never upgraded from film to film. By the time the final movies were filmed, Daniel Radcliffe and the other actors had to curl up a lot to keep from hanging over the edge of the bed during shoots.


The Floating Candles in the Great Hall were originally suspended by wires, but during filming, the flames on the candles burned through the wires and caused the candles drop onto the tables.

Director Mike Newell broke a rib while fighting Oliver Phelps, who played George Weasley, while trying to demonstrate how the Weasley twins should fight during the filming of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

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