Facts 141--150:

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Daniel Radcliffe didn't mime his scream upon seeing Sirius Black in Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix. The sound was cut in post-production because it was determined to be too agonizing and made Emma Watson and Helena Bonham Carter cry.

Before taking the post of Defense against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Quirrell taught Muggle Studies.

Dumbledore fell in love with Gellert Grindlewald.

One of the flying cars used in Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets movie was stolen off set. It was found again, Seven months later when an anonymous caller informed the police of its whereabouts.

James and Oliver Phelps, who played the Weasley twins, said the most bizarre thing a fan had ever given them was a bra with potatoes in it.

J.K. Rowling said that the pain from Harry's scar was caused by the piece of Voldemort's soul trying to leave his body.

Like Draco, Regulus Black was attracted to the Death Eaters, but the reality of it meant was way too much to handle.

Daniel Radcliffe broke over 80 wands because he would try to use them as drumsticks.

Moaning Myrtle was 14 when she died.

Emma Watson had to re-audition 8 times before getting casted as Hermione granger.

N/A: Sorry for making you guys wait too long! Just been busy from school stuff for the past few weeks... Hope you guys understand! Bai!

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