Facts 431--440:

179 8 1

A/N: We're so close to 500 facts!! Yasss!!😪✌️

Prefects can take away points from any of the four houses as a disciplinary action.

Wizards find Garden Gnomes a pest because they eat the roots of plants and make little piles of dirt.

Professor McGonagall's name can be found in the Quidditch trophy case in the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's (Philosopher's) Stone movie.

The Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets movie is only 1 of 2 Harry Potter movies not to be nominated for an academy award. The other is Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

In the books, the Patil twins, Padma and Parvati are sorted into different houses -- One in Gryffindor, one in Ravenclaw. In the movies, they're both in Gryffindor and the actresses aren't actually twins.

The actors weren't allowed to play contact sports. Instead, they played alot of Golf because it was one of the only sports they were allowed to do in their contracts.

Harry and Ginny's eldest son, James, eventually stole the Marauder's map in Harry's desk.

Because many people had a lot of trouble pronouncing Hermione's name, Rowling had Hermione sound out her name to Victor Krum in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Helena Bonham Carter, the actress who played Bellatrix, kept her fake Bellatrix teeth. When asked about it, Carter said "I love my [fake] teeth! I kept them because they're not going to fit anyone else. I kept them... In the bathroom and bring them out when I miss [bellatrix]".

There are over 1,000 bottles in the potions classroom. Each potion was labeled and filled with something.

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