One - The Boy With the Big Smile

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He was staring again, the raven-haired guy by the bar. The first thing Di noticed about him was his smile, a great smile, warm and friendly and full of passion, complimented by his sweet overbite.

They met eyes, and only then did he look away. 

"Sorry," he said, avoiding eye contact, now embarrassed.

She gave him a smile. "What for?"

He smiled and moved closer.

"Enjoying the show?" she asked.

"Oh yes. I've been following them for a while."

"So have I."

"I knew I recognized you."

"Yeah - see the tall, gangly guitarist? That's my brother." She held out her hand. "Diana."

"Freddie." He shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you, Freddie."

"You too."

The start of a great friendship.


After the show, Di was headed out back where she knew the boys would be. Freddie joined her, eager to meet the members of Smile who he obviously admired.

As they were cutting through the hall, they passed by a young blonde woman wearing a dashing purple coat. Now Freddie was staring at her.

"Hi Mary!" called Di.

"Hi Diana." Now Mary caught Freddie staring at her.  "You alright?" 

He caught himself again. "Sorry."

Di could instantly tell Freddie was drawn to Mary. "Mary, this is my new friend, Freddie. Freddie, this is Mary Austen."

Freddie and Mary exchanged smiles. "I like your coat," Freddie told her.

"Thank you. It's from Biba."

"She works there," said the friend Mary had been chatting with.

"Thank you," Mary scolded, but was smiling. 

Perhaps this was the start of something great here as well.


"Don't forget to smile!" Diana rushed over to the van where Roger and Brian were having beers.

"There's she is, our biggest fan." Brian gave her a crushing hug.

"Could you hear me cheering?"

"Always. Loudest in the room."

"Great job, Rog," Diana commented, releasing her brother and giving the blond a smile.


Freddie hung back; he could hear Diana chatting and laughing with her brother and the drummer. 

"Humpy Bong?" Di cried when they told her about Tim's sudden decision that very night, right before she arrived at the van. 

"Yeah, apparently they're 'going places'," mocked Roger.  

"Well so are you."

"He didn't think so."

"You're not going to quit, are you?" She was horrified. 

"Well now we have no lead singer," sighed Brian.

"No, you can't quit! I won't let you! Tim may have gone off to go join Humpty Dumpty-"

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