Five - Throw a Party!

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London, 1980

Five years later, Freddie was touring Diana and Roger around his new mansion, proudly showing it off.

"I'm not sure the echo is pronounced enough," joked Roger.

Freddie chuckled before giving one of his signature Ay-Ohs!, the sound echoing back to them.

"Ay-oh!" Di repeated from the upstairs level, as audience members often did at concerts. "This is really brilliant, Fred," she complimented, striding down the grand staircase. "Love the Marlene Dietrich, by the way."

"Thank you, Darling. I'm glad you think so.  Oh, you two should stay for dinner!"

"Can't. Wife, kids," said Rog.

"Well you could say that with a little more enthusiasm, Roger," said Di. "Fred, you should have a party, to celebrate the new house."

"Great minds think alike, Darling!"

"I'll invite Rupert, he's been dying to meet you all."

"Who's Rupert?" asked Rog. 

"My boyfriend," she reminded. 

"Oh, right."

"You forgot again."

"I didn't."

"You literally didn't know who he was just now." She rolled her eyes. "Bye, Fred. See you soon."


"Tell me Rog, what's the sexiest part of a car?" asked Brian. The band, as well as Chrissie, Veronica, and Dominique, had assembled amidst the lively chaos that was Freddie's promised party.  Roger appeared to be deep in thought over Brian's question.

"Ah ha! There you are, Darlings!" Freddie swooped in, wearing a long and heavy-looking cloak and an elaborate crown, Paul not far behind, as usual.

"Oh, it's Her Majesty," commented Brian.

"It's not Her Majesty, we're  Her Majesty, Darling," corrected Freddie. He even had their own music playing in the background.

He leaped into an empty chair, spilling his drink and making the others laugh. It was clear that he had had a fair bit to drink already. "Cheers!"

"Cheers." The others raised their glasses.

"Where's Mary?" Freddie asked, looking around as though she would just suddenly appear. He looked to Paul who didn't answer.

"Uh, it's not exactly her scene, is it, Freddie?" stepped in Brian.

"Well, she's missing out is all I can say! I asked Paul to throw me a party and this is what he comes up with! Party indeed! Fabulous isn't it?!" Freddie beamed, not dwelling for too long on the fact that Mary wasn't present.

"If you say so..."

Paul reached in with the champagne bottle, refilling Freddie's glass. Roger reached his glass in for some more too, but Paul pulled the bottle away.

"You're starting to look like each other," Brian commented to Freddie and Paul.

"And what's wrong with that, Brian?" challenged Paul.

"Here you are! Hello all!" Diana appeared through the crowd, donning a navy blue dress and heels, holding the hand of a young man sporting a stylish leather jacket.  The others said their hellos. "This is wonderful, Fred!"

"Fabulous, I think, Darling! Come, have a seat."

"We're just leaving, actually.  You can sit here." Roger and Dominique took hands and stood.

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