Six - Breaking Apart

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"It'll be great," Di assured her brother when they arrived at the studio for a rehearsal session during which Brian was going to propose a new song.

He sighed.  "Yeah, I hope so. If everyone cooperates." She knew what he was talking about: Freddie had been more and more distant lately, and it was putting a strain on the band.

"No, you know what, screw him." Brian jumped up. "Everyone up on the drum risers," he ordered. "Come on, everyone up."

Chrissie was the first on her feet. "Come on," she waved the others on.

"Thank you, Chrissie, for showing some enthusiasm," Brian told his wife, giving her a kiss. 

"You mean wives, everyone, Brian?" asked John.

"Yes, come on, John! I'm not waiting any longer."


"No, you don't need it." Brian gave John a kick in the bottom to get him up and moving.

"Okay then."

"Come on, Rog, take your time," said Brian. Roger was the only one who hadn't joined them yet.

"Yeah, come on, Rog. He said wives too," Di called.

She internally cringed as soon as the words were out of her mouth.  

Luckily, no one made any comments about it, and, now that they had all assembled on the risers, Brian leapt right into his vision. 

"Alright, our last concert, the crowds were singing our songs back to us. It was deafening, but it was wonderful!" A grin split across his face. "They're naturally becoming part of our show, and I want to encourage that, so I've had an idea. Stamp to this beat-" He began tapping his foot. Stamp. Stamp. Beat. Stamp. Stamp. Beat.

"Genius," said John.

Brian grinned. "Thank you, John. Now go on, all of you. Di will lead."

"Okay, you heard the man, let's go-" Stamp. Stamp. Beat. Stamp. Stamp. Beat.

"Good, good. Now I want you to clap on the third beat-" Stamp. Stamp. Clap! Stamp. Stamp. Clap!

"Roger, I can hear someone going off time and I know it's on purpose, and I know it's you," said Di, making the others laugh. 

"Keep that time! See how good that sounds! Now imagine thousands of people all doing this in unison. Gives you chills, doesn't it? Now, onto the lyrics - Di, would you do the honours?"

"Really? You want me to?"


"Okay. Let's see if I can remember them correctly-" She cleared her throat, keeping up the stamp and clap rhythm while she began to chant her brother's lyrics:

"Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise

Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday

You got mud on your face, you big disgrace

Kicking your can all over the place, singin'

We will, we will rock you." 

She gestured for the others to join in singing. 

"We will, we will rock you-"

Everyone was into it now, all stamping and clapping in unison. 

Freddie chose that moment to make an appearance.  "What on Earth is going on here? Why is she singing? She's not even a singer."

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