Eight - Unexpected Visitors

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It was bad timing over all. Di was racing around her flat trying to make sure she had packed everything for her weekend in Scotland filming a television series, when there was a knock at her flat door. 

"What the hell are you doing here?" she cried when she opened the door to reveal Roger.  She had been expecting Anita, not him.

"Hello, nice to see you too. I'm here to apologize - I think."

"Oh, you think?"

"Well clearly I upset you. But I swear I didn't mean to.  I want to talk - was hoping to talk."

"Well I don't."

"This a bad time?"

"Yes, and I just don't want to talk to you."

"I don't even understand why you're so upset."

 She scoffed.  "Classic.  'Brian's baby sister'. Is that really how you think of me, all I am to you? Not even his 'little sister', not even that! I thought we were at least friends. I don't believe this."


"Never mind. You already answered that."

"No, Di-"

"No, Rog.  I've loved you my whole life and the worst part is is that you've known, too, and you've never once given a damn. You've just run off with your silly flings, and rubbed it in my face, all while giving me mixed signals. I care about you, Rog. They don't care. I know I can't help it if you don't feel the same, but I thought I was more than just 'Brian's baby sister'. I thought I was at least your friend.  I knew I was trapped in a case of unrequited love but I didn't know I was trapped in a case of unrequited friendship."

He sighed.  "Oh, Di..."

They were interrupted then by the loo door opening and out stepped Brian.  In the wake of his own divorce, poor Bri had really been struggling, and was spending a lot of time with his sister, and was currently staying with her.  "Oh, hey Rog."

"Brian, can you please deal with him, I'm not in the mood. And I don't have much time. Really poor timing, Roger."

"Well how was I supposed to know?" the blond cried. 

"I'm working too, you can assume that I'm busy! Anita will be here soon." 

"Who's Anita?"

"My colleague and friend!"

"Di, can I just say-" He said following her into the kitchen.

"Say what? You made yourself perfectly clear."

"I don't think of you that way."

She sighed.  "Then why'd you say it?"

"Cause maybe I used to. And you're still Brian's younger sister, no matter what."

"Then just say that. Why 'baby'?"

There was a knock at the door  then. 

"That'll be Anita." Diana went to go answer the door, embracing her friend.  

"Ready to go?" Anita asked. 

"Just about -" She turned to the boys.  "Anita, this is my brother Brian, and this is Roger," she introduced.

"That's all I get?" said Rog.

"It's better than 'baby sister'. I'll grab my bags Anita, be right back."

Anita smiled at the boys.  "Hello, I've heard so much about you. So nice to finally meet you."

"Hi, lovely to meet you too," Brian said, smiling at the actress.

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