Chapter 29

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Tim lay awake staring at the ceiling, yearning for the love of his life sleeping down the hall. They'd agreed before arriving, out of respect for his mother, they would not share a room and kept that agreement even now after her acceptance of their relationship. Tim felt better knowing he no longer need keep the secret from his mom, but how would Emily react, what would Bobby say. Would they accept him or disown him. The thoughts ran through his mind as he tried to rest.

Images of an unknown man encompassed the nightmare that rattled through Chance mind. The building seemed familiar though the faces of the people inside unseen. The screams, the cries as shots rang out as he scanned the room for anything to stop the rampage overwhelmed him. His heart pounded, his breathing labored he tried to run, to scream but nothing changed. He couldn't move, he couldn't stop him.

Tim sensed something amiss as he walked down the hall to the bathroom. A low moan was heard on the otherside of the door where Chance lay sleeping. Tim knocked lightly before opening the door finding his love mumbling as he writhed upon the bed. Quickly entering, Tim sat on the side of the bed "Adam....Adam wake up, it's me're dreaming...wake up" he spoke quietly.

The panic increased as Chance could hear Tim's voice. He had to find him, to help and be sure he was safe yet again he tried to scream, to move, to no avail he continued to feel paralyzed.

"Baby, please it's're ok" Tim continued to say holding him against his side "Please Adam let me help you..wake up".

His hearing distorted all Chance heard was Tim's voice pleading "". He panicked more, the sweat soaking his shirt as he began to cry, scanning the room the shots continued to ring out, where was he, he had to find him. Soon the intruder faced him pointing the gun to the side. "It's time he paid, for everything, here and now" he bellowed as the final shot rang out.

Dena ran up the stairs as the blood curdling scream echoed through the house. Standing at the doorway she found Tim cradling Chance in his arms as he cried hysterically "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. Please.."

"What's wrong, is he ok" she asked as she stepped towards the pair.

"It's another nightmare, Momma. He's been having them since the surgery. Usually when he's overstressed but I thought with this time off he wouldn't have any" Tim explained tears flowing down his face.

Dena leaned down placing her hand along Chance's face, ", you're ok, it was just a bad dream. You're safe here, nothing nor anyone will hurt you here" she whispered as she gently stroked his cheek.

Chance wrapped his arms around Tim's waist as they both talked softly to him until he finally woke. Looking up into Tim's eyes he quickly sat up and grasped his face in both hands" Baby, are you ok, are you hurt anywhere. Did he hurt you" he asked examining his face and arms.

"Adam..I'm fine..I'm not hurt" he assured him.

"Sweetie, it was just a dream" Dena stated causing Chance to quickly look her way. Immediately feeling embarrassed he apologized and excused himself from the room practically running out the door.

"I'm sorry Tim, I didn't mean to.." she trailed off as she placed her fingertips to her lips.

Tim stood and helped his mother up. "You did nothing wrong, Momma. You helped him come out of the dream, thank you" he told her hugging her tight.

"Go to him, be sure he's ok and don't leave him alone the rest of the night. He needs you" Dena advised.

Once she had safely made it back downstairs Tim head to the bathroom where he found Chance standing in front of the mirror staring at his reflection. "You ok" he cautiously asked before standing behind him.

"I'm sorry...I.." he stuttered before Tim took him in his arms.

"Shhh, it's ok, nothing to be sorry for" Tim whispered holding him tight.

"Your mom...what she must think of me" he solemnly stated.

"She thinks nothing less of you, Adam" he assured him.

"Yea..a grown man acting like a baby" Chance replied sarcastically.

"Noo..I explained you have nightmares since the surgery, nothing more. She understands, babe" he told him kissing his forehead. "You want to talk about it"

"No..not really. I'm tired, very tired. I'm sure you are too" Chance replied stepping out of his embrace. "Get some sleep..I love you" he said walking back to his room.

Tim followed immediately behind him. "What are you doing. We agreed, separate rooms while here. You're mother will be devastated if she finds out.." Chance stated as Tim crawled into the bed pulling Chance in with him.

"No, she won't. She told me to be sure you were ok and not leave you alone tonight" he smiled slightly tossing the covers over both of them. "Rest and sleep. I'm right here" Tim advised pulling him into his arms.

"I love you so much" Chance expressed through a yawn.

"I love you more" Tim replied holding him tight as they drifted to sleep.

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