Chapter 28

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Emily sat upon the back porch swing watching as the two emerged from the woods just as the sun set over the hill. Bobby handed her a glass of sweet tea, "Whatcha gazing at, Darlin" he asked sitting beside her.

"Tim and Chance just came out of the woods behind Mommas. If I didn't know better I'd swear they were holding hands" she replied before sipping her tea.

"Don't be ridiculous" Bobby chuckled.

"Hell after all he's been through I wouldn't blame him for switching teams" she remarked.

"Are you crazy? Your brother and Chance?" he replied.

"You know Chance is bisexual, maybe Tim is too. I mean look at how close they've become over the years" Emily stated.

"Em, come on. They're just good friends, brothers, just like the other guys " Bobby pointed out.

"You have a problem with gay people?" she questioned.

"No, absolutely not. All I'm saying is just because two guys spend a lot of time together no one should assume they're gay" he retorted.

"Or bisexuals?" she continued.

"Emily...IF and that's a BIG IF...your brother is gay, bisexual or whatever..that's his business and if he wanted anyone else to know, especially family....don't you think he would tell us himself " he asked.

"Maybe, maybe not. Certainly not around our self righteous father he wouldn't. You saw how he reacted to our initial announcement. I can only imagine what he would say or do to Tim if he made that personal of a confession" she replied.

"Just let it be, ok " Bobby asked.

"Yeah, sure" she muttered sipping her tea.

"Why do I get the feeling you're just saying that to shut me up" he inquired raising his brow.


Dena stood before the kitchen sink staring mindlessly out the window. "Why is it he can't accept them, his own children, for who they are. They've turned out better than I ever could have imagined, thanks be to God for the strength he gave me to get them this far" she wondered as Tim and Chance walked in the back door.

"Momma, are you alright" he asked quietly not to startle her noticing a tear fall along her cheek.

Quickly wiping it away she turned and smiled, "Yes, baby I'm fine. Where did you two head off to" she asked attempting to change the subject.

"Just a walk in the back woods, it's very peaceful here Ms. Dena" Chance quickly replied.

"Yes, yes it is. It's good to walk through nature from time to time, rekindles your soul" she replied taking off her apron.

Tim took his mother in his arms hugging her tightly. He looked at Chance as if for reassurance as he began "Momma, you know how much I love you and that I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you".

Dena stepped back "What's wrong" she nervously asked.

"Momma, please sit down, there's something I need to tell you, something you need to know about me" Tim told her as he and Chance sat down.

"'re not ill, are you Tim" she asked placing her hand alongside his face.

"Well, some people might think so" he replied sarcastically catching Chance rolling his eyes at the comment.

"Momma..boy this is even harder to say than I thought...I'm..I'm..oh hell I'll just say it" he continued.

"Son, watching you struggle is heartbreaking..if you're trying to tell me you're gay...I know..I've known for a long time" Dena intervened.

"You what? How long?" he stuttered at her response.

"Truthfully?...I think before you knew and definitely before your father found out" she admitted.

"You knew about that?" he asked his eyebrow raised.

"Yes" she replied as tears welled in her eyes. "I'm so sorry, I tried to make him understand"

"So I really am the reason you two divorced" Tim stated now holding his head in his hands.

" you were not. I couldn't live with his authoritative nature any longer. We weren't partners, the compromises that couples make were one, I compromised myself, my faith..believing his manipulative excuses" she explained "when I found out what he was really doing and with whom, I made the decision to leave but I sure as hell would not have left either of you with him and thankfully his infidelity ensured that wouldn't happen"

" allow him and his wife here for every family gathering, every holiday. Momma, how in the hell could you forgive him for everything" he said.

"For you and Emily. You needed to know your father as you did, not as I knew him. To love him without question, to make good memories not those of me bashing him or dishonoring him in front of you two" she explained.

"Not all the memories are good ones" Tim replied his head bowed again.

"I know, son. I know you've hidden who you truly are because of that and I am so very, very sorry for that pain. If I could I would take it all away" she told him.

"You're not to blame, Momma" Tim replied." I should have stood up to him, been a man and told him today about us".

"Us?" she said looking back and forth between the two.

Chance moved closer to Tim, it was either now or never to at least let her know the truth. Tim raised his head, looked at Chance then at his mom " Yes, us, Chance and I. It..just sort of happened, Momma" he stated, his voice quivering slightly.

Dena placed her hand upon Tim's then placed both their hands upon Chance's "I couldn't hope or pray more for a better relationship. You have a connection, you always have. It's been a long road but finally you're together, as you should be. Soul mates in every sense of the word. Be good to each other, take care of each other as you always have. But, most of all, don't compromise who you are" she told them as she patted their hands.

Tim stared at the woman before him, the kindness, love and understanding she emitted. Just like someone else close to his heart, just like Nana.

"Ms. Dena, thank you so very much for accepting us " expressed Chance leaning against Tim.

"Ms. Dena? Son, please call me Mom too"

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