Chapter 38

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"Where's the Tequila" she stated nervously walking in the door.

"Damn girl, not even hello, hey good to see you" Chance chuckled.

Olena shot him a look, a look he didn't see very often. Something was up and he hadn't even told her yet about Austin being there.

"What's wrong" he asked handing her a shot.

Olena pounded it down, "another" she demanded sliding the glass across the counter.

Chance quickly poured another, "no more till you tell me why" he replied.

Pounding down the second shot she took a deep breath before sitting down. "You ever have a brief encounter with a total stranger that chilled you to the bone" she asked lifting her shot glass for more.

"What happened, are you alright" he asked sitting next to her.

"His eyes, they were so dark, lifeless, evil" she told him as she shuttered at the recall of the moment she looked at him.

"Olena, what the hell happened " he now demanded.

Explaining the incident at the deli Chance remembered the time he walked in the butcher shop and felt someone was watching him. He hadn't gotten a look at anyone but the essence of someone watching his every move was alarming.

"Have you ever seen this guy before" he asked now pouring a shot for himself as well as for her.

"Nope, no clue who he is but just the way he spoke and looked at me, totally freaked me the fuck out. I kept looking over my shoulder all the way here" she stated before throwing back the shot.

Tim walked in the back door just as Chance threw back his shot, "I see you told her about Austin".

Chance shook his head no as he poured himself another.

"What about Austin?" she asked looking at Tim.

"Shit" he muttered as he swiped his hand through his hair. "Well, he's here..staying in the back house..while we're here for recordings and videos..he arrived last evening " he informed her.

"Oh...well, I'm fine with it if y'all are...I came over to spend time with my friends..if he wants to join us that's fine.." she replied.

"I was going to tell you but we kinda got sidetracked" Chance told her taking both shot glasses to the sink.

"What's with the Tequila? " Tim asked, his brow raised.

"I'll explain later" Chance told him, not wanting Olena to have to repeat what had transpired in town.

"Oookay" Tim replied quickly looking at both for a slight clue. Neither said anything more about it.

"So I grabbed a few salads in town, sorry I didn't have time to actually make something homemade. I've been nursing Basil back to health since his surgery " she stated changing the subject.

"How's the little guy doing" came the familiar voice from the screen door as Austin stepped inside.

"He's great..getting stronger by the day" she politely replied.

"That's good, real good..happy he's recovering" his stated enthusiastically.

"Well, you're in a great mood" Chance remarked.

"Of course I am, nothing like old friends to make the day brighter" he smiled at Olena.

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