Chapter 24

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The time at home was exactly what he needed even though it had flown by way too fast and revealing to everyone at home that he and Tim were a couple had brought some relief from the stress he'd been under. But the news of Calli experiencing visions much like his was deeply concerning to say the least.

Leaning his head against the window as they flew back to Tennessee he couldn't help but mentally ask his father, what purpose did it serve with her being so young. No answers came as he closed his eyes to rest.

Tim sat nearby engrossed in a book he'd downloaded to his phone, hoping it would enlighten him more into the unknown world that Chance and Calli now endured. Finding that these visions, dreams, nightmares sometimes brought physical pain to the medium caused tears to well in his eyes. "She's too young. He's been through more than enough already" he thought to himself just as the pilot advised they were approaching the airport. Quickly turning off his phone, he gently nudge and called Chance to wake up for the landing.

-Walking through the airport Chance had that feeling again, the same feeling he'd had in the butcher shop. Someone was watching him, them. Scanning the crowd, turning around every so often, making his way to the outer side he lost sight of Tim. Despite being over six foot tall he was unable to locate him above the crowd. Panic began to set in, his heart raced, his breathing became labored, he tried to run into the crowd but he couldn't move. It was as if he were paralyzed in place. He had to find him-

"Adam, wake up....buddy, wake up" Tim quietly called noticing his labored breathing as he fastened the seatbelts for the landing.

Chance jumped at the tightening of the belt across his abdomen, fear in his eyes as he looked around the unfamiliar sight.

"Adam, calm down. You're ok, you were sleeping, we're about to land" Tim assured him.

Seeing Tim next to him he quickly grabbed his arm ensuring he was really next to him. Tim touched his hand, "You're ok" he told him unsure himself of what had him frightened.

Looking around Chance finally realized he was still on the plane with Tim, that it had all been yet another dream.

Grabbing their carry ons from the above compartment, Tim stood back for Chance to exit in front of him. Immediately turning around Chance told him not to leave his side no matter what. "Didn't plan on it" Tim smiled as they exited down the ramp of the terminal.

Trying not to alarm Tim, he gradually scanned the terminal for anything ascue "This is ridiculous, I'm being paranoid" he kept telling himself as they made their way to the luggage carousel.  That was until he had that uneasy feeling someone was watching. Bracing himself between Tim and the carousel he turned to face the crowd. Who was it, where were they he wondered as Tim gathered the luggage.

"Hey, you gonna help me here or what" Tim poked him.

"Oh, yea..ugh sorry" Chance replied with a sigh. He was being paranoid, there wasn't anyone acting suspicious around them. Grabbing a suitcase he head out to the parking lot with Tim.


"I've been thinking, why don't you move in here with me and Satch" Tim whispered slipping his arms around Chance waist as they stood at the sink.

Leaning back against him, closing his eyes as he spoke he smiled, "Are you sure you're ready" Chance asked softly.

"Yes, I've never been more sure of anything than I am right now" Tim replied nibbling on his earlobe.

Letting out a soft moan, Chance leaned his head to the side as Tim kissed along his neck, a welcomed reaction growing beneath his jeans.

"Hey, y'all home" yelled the voice from the front door.

"Fuck" they whispered in unison, both desperately adjusting themselves before turning to greet the Georgian.

"Yea, in here" Tim called out as he quickly sat at the table and Chance crouched down to pet Satch. "I've gotta take his key back" Tim thought as Austin walked in.

"So, what y'all do on break?" he asked helping himself to a beer from the fridge.

Looking at each other for support Chance finally stated he'd convinced Tim to go with him to Alabama to relax.

"Nice, good thing you listened, Tim. Get outta here for awhile, nothing like the deep south and warm waters to rejuvenate yourself" Austin replied, sitting down next to him.

"What about you, Red. What you do" Tim asked as Chance handed him a glass of water.

"Well...I found a therapist, did a little fishing, bought a house" he replied matter of factly.

" did what?" they asked in unison.

"Found a therapist like you suggested" he replied taking a sip from his beer.

"No, the other bought a house?" Tim asked.

"Oh, that ...yeah I'm no longer a nomad...I've been saving for about three years, had my eye on this one place, so I bought it" he grinned, dangling the keys in front of them.

"Austin, that's great" Tim told him grabbing him into a quick hug.

"Like you said, time to move on and get my life together. Y'all gotta see it, wildlife right outside my door every day, it's awesome. I've got a few things I still want to do with it, oh and I bought a baby grand piano for the music room too" he grinned.

"Damn, Red.... this is great, I'm so happy for you" Chance told him.

"Thanks, yeah it was time" he replied.

"So where ya stayin while we record this next week" Tim asked.

"Planned on here, like always" Austin replied with a grin.

Chance looked at Tim giving a slight shrug and grin, "some things never change" he stated as the door bell rang before it flung open with Rob and Adam making their way in.

"Guess this will be as good a time as any to tell them all about us" Tim thought as everyone gathered in the kitchen. As if Chance could read his mind, he motioned to Tim to not tell them yet.  Acknowledging his reference he said nothing for the time being. He knew they needed the right time, place to make their announcement, together.

"So, y'all gonna be staying here as usual" Chance asked as Rob and Adam grabbed a beer.

"That's the plan, unless there's a problem" Adam asked with a smirk sitting next to Chance.

"Nope, no problem at all, y'all are always welcome here" Tim replied.

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