Karaoke Party!

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(The pic is Aqua!) (I tell when you'll need the video)
I don't own anything except the plot of the story and Aqua and Storm!


Aquaxstorm: Aaaah!

Over to storm

Gray:huh? What happened?

As Gray sat up Storm punched him in the face... And he fell of the bed.

Gray: ow! What was that for Storm.?

Storm:…… *thinking what happened and breathing deeply* kyaaa! What noise was that?! I never made that noise before!

Gray: um storm?

Storm: you... Same ...bed as... Me....... WHY!!!!???

Gray: uh you grabbed me and pulled me in didn't let go.

Storm: *blinking in shock* I did?!

Gray: um yes. no lie I promise!

Storm: *starts to become embarrassed and blushes* um sorry gray for pulling you in and punching you. Sorry.

Gray: oh um its okay...  I kidda liked it, It was kidda nice though. *blushes*

Storm: *blushes* Y-you did?!

Gray: um yeah your skin was so smooth and um.....

Storm: What is it?

Gray: you look super cute when you sleep. *blushes* why is my heart beating so fast?!

Storm: T-thank y-you. *smiles and blushes* why is my heart beating so fast!?

Gray: well let's be ready to go to the guild!

Storm: yeah! Okay!

Over to Aqua and Natsu!

Natsu: Aqua! What's wrong!

Aqua: kyaa!! You... Me... Same.. Bed... why!!?

Natsu: ah well you pulled me in and hugged me so I couldn't get out.

Aqua: I did! I'm so sorry!

Natsu: oh its okay, I liked it though... *blushes* why is my heart beating so fast!

Aqua: you did! *blushes* why is my heart beating so fast!

Natsu: yeah.. Your skin is so smooth.. *blushes*

Aqua: thank you Natsu. *blushes and smiles sweetly*

Natsu: let's get ready to go to the guild!

Aqua:okay *runs off to get ready*

Natsu: *smiles* I'm glad your my mate.

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