Chapter 5 | Baracus Luna

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"You seem restless tonight. What's wrong?" Baracus looks at his partner over his shoulder before he turns to the view from the balcony again.

"I don't know. I can't think of a perfect word to describe this feeling at all. It's been far too long for me to experience this kind of sensation. The last time I even feel this ... this kind of pressure was when ..." Baracus let the feelings sunken in before he realised something terrible is coming to his way.

"When what?" His partner asked, curious.

"When my half-sister still alive. I'm sure you of all creatures still remember the former queen of Gotus." Baracus noticed how his partner eyes lit up upon mentioning about Imperia.

"I do remember about the former queen. It's too bad that the former king caught her using the kingdom's wealth for her own selfish need. She was a great queen. I still remembered how Gotus was such a prosperous kingdom." Baracus stare at his partner until she realised that she is currently talking with the 'king' of Gotus.

"Not that I don't like the way you rule the kingdom. It's just that the queen did a better job at it? Oh, come on! You can't deny her success. I was there when it all happened." Baracus sighs.

"For thousands of years, I've been trying to find a way to kill pureblood vampires. Those creatures who think they are better than others should follow my half sister's path towards damnation, but no, my stupid father wouldn't trust me to run his kingdom. Not without his trusted counsel." His partner rolled her eyes before hugging the king of Gotus from behind.

"Is that why you prisoner your own father inside a cave? Do you really think a once-great king like him would be able to stay within a cave?" Baracus smirks.

"Of course he will stay in the cave like a good prisoner he is. If he even tries to escape, I will destroy his precious family. His wife and daughters," his partner chuckles.

"Whom you sold to the scum of a human and let them be experimented on like guinea pigs. I must say you really have a talent to manipulate everyone to do your bidding. Too bad, you can't do the same with the way you ruled the kingdom. Of course, Gotus is still here but ... look around. This is no way to rule a kingdom. I mean, you let humans into the once-great kingdom and rule while you stay hidden behind the shadows." Baracus let go of his partner hands that wrapped around him and face her.

"Well, my way of ruling did bring us the wealth you wanted without the need for us to do anything." His partner cups his face before giving him a kiss on the tip of his nose.

"Gotus isn't Gotus anymore. They named it to Russia. While we lived in the laps of luxury, humans ruled your kingdom like they own it. You should be ashamed of yourself for letting such thing to happen, Baracus. I mean, the Luna family is no longer on top of the chain. Some royal family in Transylvania is. You're a disgrace, but a still love you." Baracus scoffs.

"Do you love me for the creature I am or for the wealth that I received from the way of my ruling? Whatever it is, you're still precious in my eyes as the rest of my partners." Baracus turns to the door when someone enters his room without even knocking.

"What is it? I hope it's something important because you're currently interrupting my time of pleasure." His trusted advisor nods his head before apologising for his rudeness.

"I'm sorry, your highness but this is far more important. I know that you are not the type of person who believed in divination, but our witch has spoken and what lies ahead is not in your favour." It gained Baracus attention for the first time in ages.

He is not the type of person who believed in magic and medium reading. He has evolved with the world as he grows with it.

"I know I should have asked for your permission, but I'm worried it might be too late so I have informed the leaders of the clan to be here as soon as they can." Baracus was not happy. His advisor keeps his head low, waiting for his punishment.

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