Chapter 30 | Transfusion

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How can this be? I've never experienced this kind of situation before and it's giving me an anxiety. Sure, I decided to went out with a handsome man in suits but surely they met someone better looking than Saturio.

Apparently today that's not the case. Since we arrived at the mall, every pair of eyes followed us anywhere we go. Men, women all mesmerised by Saturio devilishly good looks. I don't know if I should be proud since he's my date or should I be embarrassed for dressing so casually.

"Are you okay?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"I'm fine. It's just ... how can you live like this? I mean being the centre of attention. Do you always have to deal with this kind of situation?" Saturio smiled before nodding his head.

"With a sister like Lacrimosa, I have to endure it. I'm fortunate that my sister taught me how to get use to this kind of situation. She said, all you have to do is imagining them as a fruit or ... a potato." A potato?

"Of course it doesn't work for me. It made me more nervous because I kept thinking that those potato would eventually talk back to me. Now that I think about it, I've learnt a lot of useless things from my sister. Hmmm ... she's actually a bad influence to me." I chuckled at the expression he made when he realised it.

"Oh ... you have something at the corner of your mouth ... it's ..." I was trying to wipe it off but I keep on missing it. It was when Saturio reached out and get rid of it for me. I'm not sure how to react to that.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scared you. It's just ... you kept on missing it so I just ... I'm sorry." He apologised. How can a devil be so caring and apologetic?!

This is not how devil should act in front of humans!

"Evangeline Odin?! Is that you?" I turned towards the person who called my name and I was shocked to see her standing there with her sinister smile. Why, of all the people, why her?!

"And who is this? He is one good looking lad, huh. Are you friends with Evangeline? Are you sure about that? Do you really want to be friends with someone like that?" Saturio was confused.

"Why not?" He asked. I should stop this. Going here is a bad idea.

"Why not? Are you serious? Don't you know who she is?" Stop ... please stop. I grabbed a hold of Saturio's arm.

"Look at that. Is this how you keep him close to you, Evangeline? Aren't you afraid that you might hurt him like you did to Conrad?" No ... I don't want to hear this. Not in front of him.

"Lady, you should stop. I don't think my friend likes it when you talk like that." Saturio places his arm around me while telling her off.

"Are you fucking serious? She's going to ruin you. Do you want to know why she only has that Daphne bitch as her friend? Because she only wants to be friend with people who has money. I'm sure once you know the truth about her, you wouldn't be that close to her." How did this day turned out this way? Why do I have to meet someone from my past here and while I'm with him.


"Please leave before I drag you to hell. Literally." Wait, was that Saturio? But ... that's not his voice. When I looked at him, his eyes ... am I seeing things or his eyes just transformed?

"Look man. I'm just trying to warn you. Nothing good ever happen if you decided to befriend her. Trust me on this. Everyone knows she's bad luck. Cursed even." I can feel Saturio's grip on my shoulder tightens.

"Stop. Whatever you're doing. Just stop. She's not worth your time." I whispered to him. He sighed before smiling at me.

"You're right. We have no time to have a conversation with insect." Did he just called her insect?

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