Chapter 23 | History Beyond

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"For centuries, leaders such as yourself have been using woman to do your dirty work. Did you asked them to wear something so revealing so that I would agree to your bias request?" It wasn't my fault that my advisors are breathtakingly beautiful. I understand that how they dressed might make some think that way but I didn't asked them to do it.

I turn to my right where Keres is standing. She obviously trying hard not to kill this man. When I turn to my left side, Hotep doesn't even bother herself with the meeting. She's simply here because I asked her to. And then there's Lacrimosa who stood behind me with her hands on my shoulder. I don't know but since she's leaning towards me right now, I bet the man could see in between her chest.

If it's not because how important he is for the grand opening of the museum, I wouldn't be caught dead entertaining such a demanding human being in the first place.

"Well, I'm sorry for how they acted in front of you, my good sir. But all we asked for is that you would promote our new museum. As a curator yourself, and a distinguish one, I suppose you could help someone like us whom trying to show how important history is for the future." He looks at me in disbelief.

"I was told by my assistant that you might have a marvellous collection from ancient Egypt. How is it possible for you to obtain such rare artefacts? She even mentioned how rare and unbelievable it is when your archaeologist showed it to her." Well, if I told him the truth, he might call me crazy.

"Let's just say I have my own sources. Please, if you wish to see them, I'll be glad to give you the tour myself." It didn't take long for him to accept my offer. While Hotep and I showed the curator some of the pieces that will be exhibits in the museum, I asked Both Keres and Lacrimosa to make sure than none of those devils show themselves in front of the guest.

After the news of the three high ranking demons' murder spread across the underworld, my land has been visited by numerous kind of creatures demanding about their rights and how they wish to be lord's rather than normal nobles. For me, their request are nothing but rubbish but for Lacrimosa, she thinks otherwise.

Since it's her land and her problem, I let her handle the matter until she can't handle no more.

"My goodness. Is this what I think it is?" He was fascinated by some of the artefacts that was place on the floor.

"It's exactly what you thought it be. It's a stone carving that depicts the everyday life in Pompeii. Before it was abandoned of course. I gone through a great deal to obtain such rare artefact." Of course by that I mean I know someone who used to reside in Pompeii before the volcano erupted.

He was kind enough to give me some of his collections since I agree to help him regain his youth.

"This is unbelievable! I hope it came with official letters because if the antiquities society finds out that your artefacts are fact, it's the end for you." I'll take that as a note.

"Don't worry, I do possessed the official papers. Now, if you could just follow me to our main exhibit." I guide him to a warehouse where I kept all of Hotep's personal belonging.

"Gentleman, please feast your eyes to one of the largest collection of the forgotten royal family of Egypt." At first He was confused but when he saw a tablet containing Hotep's family tree, he was surprised.

"I've never heard of this king nor his family ever being mentioned in any history books or ancient text before. It's like, they were completely wipe out from ever being a royal family. How is it possible for you to came across this priceless artefacts?" I slightly turn to Hotep.

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